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Knee Problems and Physical Therapy

Knee Problems and Physical Therapy
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Are you in knee pain?  Suffering for stiffness and has trouble getting around?  Unsure what exercises to do?

If any of your above asked question is yes then you need to see physical therapist.

Physical Therapist can evaluate your condition and plan your physical therapy program which can help you to reduce pain, stiffness and strengthen muscles.

Most of the patients who is suffering from pain, stiffness and weakness can benefit from skilled physical therapy.  Patient who did surgery also need post-surgical knee rehabilitation to reduce pain, swelling, increase ROM and improve strength.  With appropriate exercises and treatment program physical therapist can bring patient close to prior functional level.

For minor knee pain and sprains patient should expect 3-4 weeks of physical therapy.

If patient underwent knee arthroscopic surgery should expect about 6 weeks of physical therapy.

Patient who did knee replacement or did ACL repair should expect rehabilitation for about 12 weeks.

Above mentioned time frames are average time frame.  If you already has done about that much time of physical therapy and has not improved or are getting worst you should immediately see your doctor and find out cause.

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Resistance Training Among Young Athletes: Safety, Efficiency, and Injury Prevention Effects

Resistance Training Among Young Athletes:  Safety, Efficiency, and Injury Prevention Effects
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Resistance training is used by many athletes but does they know how safely they are doing. How efficient they are doing it? Many people question resistance training vs. power-lifting and research has shown more injuries have occurred in young power lifting athletes. I believe that young athletes are prone to injuring themselves because they are hard headed and don’t learn the right way to do it. Resistance training however is a great way to start building strength and eventually move up to power lifting. This topic is important to sports medicine because it is experimenting on if resistance training is safe, efficient, and causes injury prevention. It is also important to physical activity because it also strengthens the body at such a young age so that athlete could have an advantage over their peers.

At such a young age athletes are new to working out different muscles so they would commonly ignore form and just lift the weight. This would present negative effect to their ability and gain because they are doing it incorrectly. Young lifters have poor technique and inappropriate methods because they are not taught the correct way or they are just guessing on what exercises to do. Young lifters should be observed initially by personal trainer or qualified person to make sure about their technique. Evidence in this article provided that the youth who participate in regularly in resistance training programs show a significant amount of strength, injury prevention, and efficiency. It is also said that public health are aiming to increase the availability of resistance training program for the young athletes.

Performing resistance training provides a wide range of resistive loads, different movements, muscles, and speeds. These resistance exercises may include weight machines, elastic bands, medicine balls, and plyometrics. Compared to strength and power lifting exercises the resistance training reduces the risk of injury greatly. However, that does not mean one cannot get injured from performing resistance exercises such as poor conditioning, muscle imbalances, poor exercise technique. To prevent these injuries it is recommended that the young athlete training should be mature enough to follow instructions. Technique is key to the success of their positive gains because there is not point of doing the exercise if you are not activating the correct muscles. Another way to prevent injuries is to focus on all major muscle groups to keep your body strong and balanced. Also it’s very important that these athletes have flexibility and stretching exercises incorporated with their strength training.

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What to Look in Your Physical Therapist

At some point in your life – maybe after an injury or surgery, or just after you reach a certain age—there’s a good chance you will find yourself going to physical therapist’s office. And as you look around at the balance balls, ultrasound machines, and other contraptions, and as your body is pushed and pulled in a variety of odd and sometimes even painful ways, you may ask yourself: Does any of this stuff really help?


At New Age Physical Therapy our therapist will identify your problem and treatment as part of their evaluations, which are backed by solid scientific evidence.   Some of therapy may include:

1. Heat and cold

A hot pack sure feels good on an aching any part of your body. Same for the heat from an ultrasound machine, which can warm tissue deep in your body. And a cold pack on a swollen joint can also feel nice. But none of it will help you recover faster. It makes patients feel good, but it’s not very helpful, but using those things aide in recovery along with other therapeutic exercises and it helps psychologically.

2. Electrical stimulation and ultrasound.

Electrical stimulation and ultrasound could be part of your treatment depends on your diagnosis which helps to relieve pain.

3. Exercise machines after surgery

When patient goes to physical therapy after any surgery they should not be looking place where they have lot of equipment like gym, because after most of the surgery initial goal of therapist is to gain normal movement without any pain or discomfort.  Lot of the times those can be done with simple exercises and precautions.  Patient should look for therapist skill and dedication to their condition and treatment.

4. Changing exercise program

In any physical therapy care therapist needs to change patient’s exercise protocol depends on their needs and it has to be done as frequent as needed.  If you are stuck with same routine you might want to ask your therapist more questions or look for some other place.

5. Manual therapy

It’s very important that wherever you are going for physical therapy they are explaining your problem in detail and plan of treatment.   It is also important that they are using their manual skill to get you better and you are not just using machines.  Manual therapy like stretching, soft tissue massage, neural mobilization, joint mobilization.

6.  Seeing one therapist

It is important that you always seeing one physical therapist so they can track your treatment and modify as needed.

If you have any other question of wants to speak to one of our physical therapist please feel free to call at 718-224-3818.
