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How Physical Therapy New Hyde Park NY Can Help in Shoulder Pain?

In our body most flexible and movable joint is our shoulder, it consists of several bones, muscles, joints, and tendons. This means there are many different ways from which the shoulder can become injured and cause pain. There are different causes of shoulder pain and steps in which patients can eliminate or become discomfort to do that type of particular steps. Physical therapy is the only most useful way of healing several types of shoulder pain. Book an appointment or call New Age Physical Therapy New Hyde Park NY  to get treatment form experienced physical therapist which can help to heal shoulder pain.

Different symptoms which cause Shoulder Pain:

Sometimes small injuries on the back side of our shoulder can cause big shoulder pain. Other than the sometimes repetitive motion of shoulder injury can cause muscles, joints, tendons get chances to hurt that places repeatedly. Physical therapy provides several types of exercise that may reduce the pain in the patient shoulder. A physical therapist works and creates those type of program which fulfils the needs of the patient and their shoulder pain.

There are various types of shoulder pain heal option are there which reduces the pain from the patient body.

1) Torn Cartilage:

If any patient suffering from torn cartilage which can produce a number of painful symptoms. These type of injury include limited range of motion, decreased strength and clicking sensations when patient moving their arm. They may also experience the pain of torn cartilage when they moving their arm in certain positions. A physical therapist can provide this type of injury to heal with very accurate. If any patient is suffering from a torn cartilage.

2) Sprains and Strains

The initial stage of sprains and strains can cause ongoing shoulder pain that makes it difficult to perform daily activities for patients. A sprain is when a muscle system is stretched or torn. A strain involves a tendon or muscle that is stretched or torn. Sometimes the Initial stage of sprains and strains can be cured on its own of the patients. But sometimes those patients have severe shoulder pain they will need proper physical therapy and physical therapist both.

3) Frozen Shoulder

This is a worse painful condition for a patient that arises automatically and also at the initial stage it resolves by itself. But at that painful stage, a physical therapist can heal the frozen shoulder pain. In that time, frozen shoulder can produce ongoing pain and stiffness.

A physical therapist can provide various types of pain relief in shoulder pain. Physical Therapy New Hyde Park NY provides the best therapist who provides the best treatment in shoulder pain relief to their patients. A trained physical therapist can use different therapy to ease pain and increase mobility. Physical therapy provides the exercise of kneading and massaging specific joints, tendons, and muscles in the shoulder area.

Sometimes, a physical therapist can teach patient various types of exercises that they can be able to do at home and also get instant heal from that particular exercise which they provide to do.  Some therapist does different techniques for shoulder pain like aqua therapy, ultrasound or electrical nerve stimulation.

Whatever type of pain you’re suffering from, a trained physical therapist can create a program to treat your particular condition. Directly Contact New Age Physical Therapy New Hyde Park NY office today to schedule a consultation with physical therapists.


Stretching Before & After Exercise

Stretching Before & After Exercise
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Stretching before exercise increases flexibility and elasticity, thus, decreases the chance of injury. People should focus on stretching the muscles that will be activated during the workout. So if it is leg day, the hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes, and calves all need to be stretched. This prevents these muscle groups from tightening up during an exercise.

Not only is it essential beforehand, it is just as important if not more to stretch post-session. In fact, if a muscle group has been continually contracted throughout a workout, stretching can help muscles return to their normal length. In addition, it can decrease recovery time and alleviate soreness.

It’s important to stay committed, as studies show that flexibility from regular stretching can disappear after 4 weeks of inactivity.

The benefits of stretching include:

• Muscles release tension.

  • Range of motion increases.
    • Help muscles resist stress, thereby, prevent muscle and joint strains.
    • Prepare the body and heart rate for strenuous exercise.
    • Improved blood flow.
    • Reduce the severity of painful menstruation (Dysmenorrhea).
  • Body releases endorphins, making people more energetic and relaxed.

However, DO NOT stretch if:

  • There is a bone fracture, acute sprain or strain.
    • Range of motion is limited due to other pathology
    • The joint is inflamed or infected.
    • There is pain doing stretches.

Stretching determines how far a joint can bend, twist, or reach. When it is done incorrectly, it can be ineffective or dangerous as it can cause tears, instability, and damage to tendons/ligaments.  It is controversial still which kind of stretching is beneficial before or after exercises.

If you are stretching before exercises definitely you need to some kind of warm up exercises before you stretch.  Thus, it is important to consult a physical therapist to see which stretching exercises can be incorporated when dealing with an injury or condition.


Importance of Body Weight Exercises

Importance of Body Weight Exercises
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No time for the gym but still want to be healthy and stay in shape? Well, bodyweight exercises can benefit you! Even without additional weight, these exercises can build strength, muscle, and fitness while helping people lose weight. The goal is to use your own body weight as resistance, by pushing, pulling, or lifting it. And if you don’t have time, don’t worry! These exercises can be done whenever and wherever.

Your physical therapist will most likely include body weight exercises into your treatment program. He/she will cater the regimen to the specific condition at hand. Such exercises include strength training to build muscle and cardio to keep the heart strong.

Based on the patient’s starting point and age, the therapist will determine the pace of each session with the quantity of exercises and how many repetitions to perform. With body weight exercises, patients can complete their full range of motion without restraint, allowing joints to move freely and decreasing the risk of injury. You’ll be able do these exercises at home with little to no cost, as equipment is not needed.

Bodyweight exercises are considered “closed chain” which is the scientific term for saying moving the body through space instead of an outside object. Closed chain exercises have been proven to increase lower body strength by 31%, whereas, open chain exercises only increases it by 13%. The reason is because moving the body through space increase the amount of muscle fibers used. Thereby, yielding more results.

If you’ve been sitting at your desk all day, it’s probably best to not go and sit down on a machine at the gym once again. Body weight physical therapy helps patients reestablish good movements. It allows movement in multiple ways that can activate muscles in the back, knees, and shoulders, thereby, keeping them healthy. This may be a better alternative to machines that can be limiting.

Examples of bodyweight exercises include planks, push-ups, squats, sit-ups, marching, and lunges. Since physical therapists are professionals in body movement, it’s best to consult one to see which exercises are appropriate for you when dealing with an injury.


How to Sleep Better with the Help of Physical Therapy?

How to Sleep Better with the Help of Physical Therapy?
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There is a relationship between pain and sleep. Most of us have pain here and there and when we are in pain we have difficulties in activity during day and lot of times has trouble sleeping.

Certain kind of pain really disturbs patients while sleeping. Nerve pain is one of those pains. Patient who has chronic pain may experience sleep problems as well. Pain is one of the causes for in so suffering mania.

If you are suffering from pain and it is affecting your daily sleeping then the best option is to apply physical therapist that can help you to sleep better.

Physical therapist can evaluate your paining problem and create a treatment plan tailored to your goals and needs that will much beneficial for your recovery. Physical therapist can indentify cause for pain and try to help patients relieve pain.

Physical therapist may use hot packs, cold packs, electrical stimulation, ultrasound to relieve pain. Physical therapist may use hands on technique like joint mobilization, soft tissue manipulations, massage for better recovery. Physical therapist may teach some strengthening exercises and stretching exercise.

At discharge, a therapist may help you to design home exercise program which can help to alleviate your pain and to maintain healthy lifestyle and to restore normal sleep habits.

Physical Therapy Queens, NY is one of them which give you best physical therapy to your chronic pain. You will be feeling good after taking therapy here. Just visit expert therapist here they have all the pain problem solution with fast recovery.

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Why simple bending cause back pain and how to prevent it?

Why simple bending cause back pain and how to prevent it?
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Lot of people get lower back pain or get very stiff in lower back lifting something simple light weight from floor or just bending over to do something. If it’s something not heavy or it’s like routine bending why do we get this kind of pain and/or stiffness?

One of the most important changes happens in forward bending is you lose your normal forward curvature in your spine called lordosis. Constant reversal of lordosis can put stress on your disc, spinal joints and muscles.

It can also happens after you worked out heavy, lifted lot of boxes, did yard work, moved furniture in house and next day your muscles are tight or sore from that and you try to bend down and even little twist with it can send spinal muscles in spasm.

So is there a way to prevent this kind of pain, locking of back or have sciatic kind of pain?

When bending forward to pick up things there are few things which can help you to keep your spine in an appropriate position and minimize strain on your low back.

1. Bend from your knees not from your back

2. When you reaching objects go close to them don’t reach out from distance.

3. Don’t twist your spine too much while lifting object tries to stand in front of object and then lift.

If you are sore from previous day work out or any other lifting activity take it easy on your back for few days and follow simple lifting procedure mentioned above.

If you are still experiencing low back pain, visit to your licensed physical therapist. He or she can teach you exercise for your back.  Your physical therapist can also teach you how to obtain and maintain proper posture for your back.

By learning the proper ways from Physical Therapy Great Neck, NY to lift, you may be able to maintain your spine in an optimum position to prevent episodes of debilitating back pain.


Do you know that Physical Therapy can be Your First Resort?

As we are know that physical therapy is more reliable and perfect to reduce some inner side of pain in body. But we don’t know that physical therapy cannot frequently used as an alternative to reduce pain, opioids for musculoskeletal pain managing.

Physical therapy applied to do many of musculo skeletal types of treatment. A benefit of physical therapy in your life is much that we know. Also it can beneficial to us to avoid other side effects or bad side effect occurs due to medicines and other pharma chemicals. Physical therapy performs natural treatment in our life.

Physical Therapy

There is lots of natural therapy existed in the world such like yoga, massage and acupuncture to maintain body, avoid side effects and being healthy in life. Also this natural therapy gives lifetime good result other than drug or medicines, and for conservative drugless therapy. Many of peoples which are afraid to go for seeing doctor about that problems and taking insurance. They should try physical therapy once in life.

Right now some therapy centre allows free some day’s therapy at their centre to evaluation of therapist work for his/her treatment. No need to go for doctors to take permission either he/she goes for physical therapy center or not. New Age Physical Therapy Centre in New York is one of the good destination where you can go to take treatment related to your pain. The center is licensed and can fulfil his/her complete requirement.

There are lots of benefits of physical therapy but it only works well if you apply in your life properly; from them meniscus tear, lower back pain, tendinitis can get much better recovery with physical therapy. It’s not only reason to reduce pain only but it can also much better to avoid post surgical complications, unnecessary surgery, and operations.

It is the thing that patients should be also proud themselves of reducing opioids dependency while PT centers are providing it with new form of pain reducing treatment. It will be much helpful to help national opioid epidemic.

Patients should be incredibly proud of reducing the dependence on opioids while providing themselves with new forms of pain management, covered by insurance.  Doing this can help national opioid epidemic.


Simple Physical Therapy Tips to Help Knee Pain and Find out Cause of Pain

Simple Physical Therapy Tips to Help Knee Pain and Find out Cause of Pain
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If you are suffering from your knee pain and couldn’t got recover even by visiting may of doctors and experts and its paining continue when you are walking, waling up and down through steps at your home then you should do day to day exercises related to aches.

Physical therapy is the core thing that can help you to prevent pain more wisely then medicines from doctors. You can get back to your normal if you have even more hard pain in your knee.

If you are not able to go for physical therapy centre then you can try some basic exercises at your home also. These are the simple moves that will change some your routine lifestyle and you should try at home and check whether it is beneficial for your knee or not.


Weak hips, thigh muscles and poor motor control these are the nasty thing that can lead you to add forces existed on your joint of knee. Weak quadriceps really effects how your body weight bears thru your joint. Weak gluteal also affects your pelvic related pain and due to this issue it may happen overloading on knee joint.

So you can find exercises to strengthen quadriceps and gluteal muscles. Focus more on quadriceps muscles first start with simple knee presses and holding and straight leg raises. Progress slowly.


Also patient has to check their mobility especially on their lower extremity.  Lack of flexibility in hamstrings, quadriceps and calf muscles can lead to improper loading on joint which in turn lead to pain ache across your knee.

Stretching those muscles really prevents injury especially in athletes.  Without the necessary mobility, your knees are going to take the brunt of the force. So add some stretching exercises to your routine exercises.


When we are talking about knee pain, weak abdominal muscles can also play a important role. Weak core can make once posture poor which in turn lead to improper gait. Improper gait can lead to pain across knee.

In majority issue we never worry for 6-pack, we are conversing about your inner essence stabilizers which is across abdominals. Processing to do this stability and endurance can help you to improve posture, improve gait pattern which may help to reduce knee pain.


Heavy weight of body can also occur stress placed on your knees. Expert says that anyone who has high weight problems can be at high risk for knee osteoarthritis. If you need to relax from this knee issue happened from heavy weight then you should do some little diet in your daily food and also required to change some daily activities of working. It will help you decrease your heavy weight and lead you to reduce your knee pain.

Regular cardio and resistance exercises are good way to maintain your weight and build strong lean muscles. But if you are suffering from much knee pain then you should make limit or stop some physical working activities, daily work etc. You can do exercise in pool that can help you to prevent high

By exercising in a pool you can reduce the effects of significance on the body, so that it can beneficial for you to reduce pain.


Alignment of foot should be properly because it may happen that improper foot structure also plays role to increase knee pain. A person who wears high heels shoes has shown high compressive forces on knee.

People who wearing worn out shoe or has over- pronated foot can also have increase weight on to their knee. So take proper foot care, changing footwear regularly, proper ankle mobility can help you to reduce knee pain.

After understanding your knee problem you can try some exercises at home and follow some simple steps of New Age Physical Therapy, NY if you still have trouble please call your physical therapist.

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Plyometric Exercises : Boost Strength and Speed Level of Your Body

Plyometric Exercises : Boost Strength and Speed Level of Your Body
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Plyometric exercises are great form of exercise to increase speed and power. These are different kind of exercises then you do regular strengthening exercises. This Plyometrics exercises can improve your reactive energies by consuming the Strength-Shortening Cycle (Generally It’s known as SSC) in order to generate maximal output of power.

It is the only exercises which were firstly developed by Soviets during the timing of cold war occurred in 1947 time. Do you know why they did it in cold war because they want to increase their strength and speed? These are the main reason that they had developed this plyometric exercises. This kind of exercises was used to well train their athletes. Due to plyometric exercises generated speed and strength and its good combination they lead to powerful athletes.

We can divide this plyometrics exercise into three phases, which are as follows.

1. Rapid Muscle:
The first and foremost phase is known as a rapid muscle. This rapid muscle lengthening movement also called the eccentric phase.

2. Amortization Phase:
The second one comes a short resting period called the amortization phase. This phase is most important phase for this exercise.

3. Concentric Phase:
Finally the third and most important phase is the athlete engages in an explosive muscle shortening technique that is well known as concentric phase.

Doing warm up is most important factor and prior for plyometrics exercises. Do you know how to do warm up? Let’s do it with this short information. Warm up can be done in form of light cardio, dynamic or static stretching. After doing this warm process athlete feels much relaxed and should cool down after each session.

Some important factors should consider by all athlete who wants to do this. From them first and important is all athletes should go under orthopaedic screening before these exercises to make sure it’s suitable for them or not. Every athlete who wants to go for it might have to go thru klatt test before going thru plyometrics.

Before starting this exercises keep in mind that every athletes should were comfortable clothing and good sneakers. It is the fact that plyometrics should not be done on concrete or very hard surfaces.

Let’s know about some important examples of plyometrics exercises here;

  1. Box Jumps
  2. Tuck Jumps
  3. Lateral Jumps
  4. Split Jump
  5. Power Skipping
  6. Bounding
  7. Plyometric Push Up

There are many athlete wants to do plyometric exercises and many of doing also. Plyometric exercises have been used by many of athletes successfully as a primary method of training to enhance the power and speed. New Age Physical Therapy Center Flushing, NY is place to get perfect plyometric exercise that can boost your energy and speed level. In order to realise and to result of the potential benefits of plyometrics training the process of stretch shortening might be invocated. Also it needs perfect and careful attention to the technique used during the drill or exercise.


Does Spinal Decompression Help Low Back Pain?

Does Spinal Decompression Help Low Back Pain?
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Spinal decompression may help treat low back pain, but this popular treatment isn’t a sure thing. Advertising for spinal decompression targets people with degenerative disc disease, bulging discs, herniated discs, or spinal stenosis.

What is spinal decompression?

Spinal decompression is a form of mechanical spinal traction, which refers to the separation of the bones, joints, and discs of the back.

It is theorized that this separation relieves pressure on the nerves in the back and helps decrease pain, and thus, improve function.

Many spinal decompression systems are operated by the use of a computer, allowing the health care provider to adjust the amount of traction force, the angle of traction provided, or the amount of time the traction force is applied. Common trade names of spinal decompression devices are the VAX-D System, the Spinal Aid System, and the DRX-9000 System, among others.

Some spinal decompression units require that you lie on your stomach while treatment is rendered; others have you lie on your back.

Are there risks associated with spinal decompression?

A review of the published data for the use of spinal decompression reveals very little risk associated with treatment. One study reported on a patient who developed severe pain while on the unit. A follow-up MRI of the spine revealed that this patient’s lumbar herniated disc had increased in size.

The patient subsequently had a lumbar surgery and it was reported that the patient recovered fully. Other studies report some increase in pain for a few participants.

Does spinal decompression help low back pain?

The main theory behind spinal decompression is that providing traction to the compressed structures in the spine helps relieve pressure and pain.

So traction must help low back pain, right? Well…

A study published in the 2001 issue of Physical Therapy Journal (PTJ) evaluated various forms of treatment for acute (symptoms for less than 4 weeks), sub-acute (4-12 weeks) and chronic (more than 12 weeks) low back pain. The published evidence available for the use of traction for low back pain received a grade of “C” (no benefit demonstrated).

Claims have also been made that spinal decompression creates negative pressure in the discs of the spine, which helps to pull bulging discs back into place. A published study reporting on three patients concludes that spinal decompression did lower the pressure in the discs while using decompression. This is a small study, however, and no cause and effect conclusion about spinal decompression and low back pain can be made.

However, more studies have been conducted since the ones mentioned above. More observational studies using larger trial groups are finding the spinal decompression may help with some of the symptoms of low back pain, specifically the radicular leg pain.

And, there are still smaller studies finding positive outcomes.

Simply put, there is limited scientific evidence that spinal decompression can help your low back pain. Does that mean that it does not work? Not entirely. It just means that the current level of research is not sufficient to draw positive cause/effect conclusions for the use of spinal decompression. There may be other more affordable options for you to consider when faced with treating your low back pain.

What does help low back pain?

While many treatments are available for your low back pain, the scientific data indicates that maintaining normal activity is a good treatment (grade of “A” — benefit demonstrated — in the 2001 PTJ review) for acute low back pain. Exercises for your low back also received a grade of “A” for sub-acute and chronic low back pain.

The great thing about exercise is that it is a low-cost, easily implemented treatment. Your physical therapist can teach you how to improve your posture and implement the right exercise program for your specific condition to treat your low back pain.


Physical Therapy and Frozen Shoulder

Physical Therapy and Frozen Shoulder
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If you have pain in your shoulder and difficulty lifting your arm overhead or has trouble rotating arm, you may have frozen shoulder.  Frozen shoulder also known as adhesive capitalistic, is a painful condition that seems to start gradually and slowly limit your ability to lift your shoulder and arm normally.  There are many reason you can have frozen shoulder.  Main reason is not moving shoulder normally after any shoulder injury can lead to adhesion in shoulder capsule which in turn lead to frozen shoulder.

Physical therapist can really help you with frozen shoulder.  Physical therapy for frozen shoulder normally involves therapeutic modalities (to control pain and relax shoulder), Range of motion (ROM) exercises to improve shoulder mobility, Passive range of motion, shoulder mobilization and shoulder/scapular strengthening exercises.  Home exercise program is very important part of physical therapy.

  • Therapeutic Modalities:

Patient with frozen shoulder might be given hot packs, electrical stimulation or ultrasound to relieve pain temporary so patient can exercise better.

  • Skilled manual therapy:

Skilled manual therapy is very important in frozen shoulder patients.  That may be passive range of motion, joint mobilization.  This has to be done by physical therapist to achieve more mobility in shoulder.

ROM exercises:

Patient should be given some range of motion exercises to do and some stretches.  ROM exercises and stretches could be painful at times but as long as that pain is temporary patient should not be worried about.

  • Strengthening exercises:

Patient can be started initially with isometric exercises along with other strengthening exercises.  Strengthening exercises includes rotatory cuff strengthening, shoulder muscle strengthening and scapular strengthening.  Therapist may use free weights, the bands or cable machines to strengthen shoulder and scapular area.

Frozen shoulder can be a painful condition that prevents you from moving your arm normally.  If you have a frozen shoulder, it is important to use specific exercises and motions to help get your arm and shoulder moving again.  By consulting your physical therapist getting to work with step-by-step program, you may be able to quickly and safely resolve your frozen shoulder and get back to your normal movement and functional ability.

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