All posts in neck pain

Physical Therapy Treatment : Best for Text Neck

Physical Therapy Great Neck, NY

What is “Text Neck”?

“Text neck” is neck pain occurring from hunching over while using cellphones. The growing dependence and cultural addiction to technology have multiplied the time spent with this poor posture. Many people with symptoms have a hard time believing this mundane activity can be the source to their problems. 

However, they don’t realize the effects have accumulated over the years of cellphone usage. Thus, “text neck” is very real and if left untreated, it can lead to headaches, neurological issues and definitely neck pain.

What Causes Text Neck?          

Constantly keeping your posture which is not optimal for human body can put unnecessary extra strain on your neck/upper body (cervical and thoracic) area. When you use your phone, tablet, computer for an extended amount of time with poor posture can lead to many problems such as herniated disks, pinched nerves, and tight knots (trigger points) in muscles. Also, stretching tissues for too long can cause soreness and inflammation.

How Physical Therapy can Help?

Physical Therapy Great Neck, NY can help decrease neck pain and improve mobility. During a patient’s initial evaluation, a physical therapist may measure the neck’s range of motion, and trigger point (tight knot), the strength of neck and upper body muscles. He/she may also look for an imbalance in your postural muscles, a leading factor for neck pain.

With this information, an individualized treatment plan will be created to alleviate pain and to meet the patient’s goals. Most people do see improvement after a few sessions and symptoms usually disappear after 3 to 4 weeks of consistent physical therapy and following exercises protocol and being aware of posture all the time.

Postural Correction: “Text Neck” causes people to make a hunched-over position. A physical therapist will teach and educate you to remind what proper posture to maintain. For example, sitting while retracting your shoulders will take some stress off the neck, thereby reducing the pain. The therapist may also recommend right ergonomics to use computer, phone and tablets.

Prevention Tips: The physical therapist will recommend a pain-free way to use your phone. One way is to keeping your head in a neutral position and simply looking down with your eyes. Another advice the therapist can give would be to use certain accessories to prop up your tablet so you can keep your head in a neutral position.

Exercises: The physical therapist will most likely prescribe exercises to reduce the stress and pressure from poor posture. These exercises can include shoulder retraction, cervical isometric, cervical extension, and scapular stabilization exercises for postural control. 

Modalities: If appropriate, the physical therapist may incorporate modalities like heat and electrical stimulation to provide temporary relief. 

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Get Faster Relief from Neck Pain with Physical Therapy


Get Faster Relief from Neck Pain with Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy Little Neck, NY

In the way of living our regular lives, there are lots of situations where you could find yourself in a situation where you put yourself at risk of pain or injury.  It’s not compulsory that it has to be a serious event. But it could be something like falling down the stairs or slipping on an icy sidewalk or you could twitch your neck from consuming too much time seeming at a computer monitor at work.

When you are injured, you are doing everything possible to recover from injury.  Especially, if the injury is to your neck, you want to get relief in a short time. Physical Therapy Little Neck, NY can diagnose your pain and suggest the best solutions that will keep your pain from getting more serious.

If you are suffering from neck pain, then you can understand just how painful it can be to maintain doing the things that you did every day while dealing with this pain. When it comes to handling your neck pain, there are a lot of questions that you should consider, but the one thing that you should compulsory consider is taking physical therapy for neck pain.

Expert physical therapist is an essential source for anyone who has been suffering from neck pain. They can suggest required changes to your daily life that will help to define the amount of effort that you put on your neck, and that will also help you reduce the risks of this occurring again in future. After surgery, physical therapy provides to permanent pain control and recovery.

Physical therapy services for neck pain include stress, ultrasound, TENS and other such remedial modalities, heat and ice treatment, postural improvement, joint mobilization and exercise. Neck exercises carried out along with physical therapy can make pain relief more efficient.

In fact, physical therapy and exercising are mainstream non-surgical treatment choices for neck pain. What executes certain non-surgical choices beneficial when associated to current approach is that they can also prevent the pain from repeating or at least decrease the cases of pain in the future.
