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Physical Therapy for Frozen Shoulder

Physical Therapy for Frozen Shoulder
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Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) is characterized by joint stiffness and pain in the shoulder. It is accompanied by pain that gets worse around the evening time and becomes harder to lift and/or rotate the shoulder. 

There are normally no critical discoveries in the patient’s set of experiences, clinical assessment or radiographic assessment to make sense of the deficiency of movement or torment.

There are 2 categories of frozen shoulder which are divided into primary and secondary capsulitis. Primary frozen shoulder is frequently connected with diabetes, and with a patient that has no known indication of diabetes, he or she may be tested for it as well. Other than diabetes, they can also be from thyroid or Parkinson’s disease. 

Secondary adhesive capsulitis can happen after shoulder wounds or immobilization. Usually, after an injury, the patient is advised not to move the shoulder for a length of time, which may or may not trigger a frozen shoulder and delay recovery time.

There are 3 stages to the frozen shoulder which are comprised of freezing, frozen, and defrosting stages. The 1st st stage can last anywhere between two to nine months in which the pain will be at its peak. 

At the frozen stage (which can keep going for a year) is where the pain will start to decrease with a loss of the shoulder’s range of motion, particularly the forward movement as well as the rotational movement. The defrosting stage is where the patient will encounter a progressive return of movement which can take five to twenty-six months.

Doctors will often recommend NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) for the pain and stiffness. However, if the pain gets intolerable, the doctor may use a steroid injection to reduce inflammation which in turn will help with the pain. One thing to note is that studies have shown using steroids along with physical therapy had a greater impact on recovery than the injection alone. 

It is best to get a jump-start on physical therapy as soon as possible to shorten the length of time you have to go through with having frozen shoulder. Your treatment and exercises will vary depending on the stage that you are in. The physical therapist will also advise you to perform specific exercises at home that will boost your recovery. 

If you or someone you know is suffering from shoulder pain, it is strongly advised to check with the doctor early on and to see a physical therapist at Physical Therapy Great Neck, NY. Remember that this is a long process. Give yourself patience and grace as there will be ups and downs. 

Also Read: What Should You Know About Shoulder Injury Rehabilitation?


How to Fix Your Rounded Shoulders?

How to Fix Your Rounded Shoulders?
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If you work or play long hours in front of the computer, the desk, or on the phone, chances are you may have rounded shoulders. The problems that can arise from this can be headaches, shoulder pain, back pain, or even nerve pain.

How Can I Fix My Rounded Shoulders?

Through exercise!

Prepare to get on the floor with a rolled-up towel. For these exercises, you will lay down face down with the rolled-up towel underneath your forehead.

T’s: You will spread your arms to form a T with your torso. Lift your thumbs towards the ceiling and raise you arms up and down. Squeeze for a good second at the top and come back down. Perform 10 – 20 reps, 3 – 5 sets. Start with low reps and work your way up.

Y’s: Same way but with your arms forming a Y with your torso. Lift your arms up and down towards the ceiling with a good second at the top and come back down. Perform 10 – 20 reps, 3 – 5 sets.

W’s: Form a W. Lift your thumbs up and down with the ceilings. Perform 10 – 20 reps, 3 – 5 sets.

I’s: Start the same with your arms straight up next to your ears moving your arms up and down. Perform 10 – 20 reps, 3 – 5 sets.

Swimmers: With just your arms, start with palms facing down with arms next to your ears. As if you are swimming, wave your arms towards your hip, with both hands ending up behind your lower back, palms facing towards the ceiling. Then return to starting position. Perform 10 – 20 reps, 3 – 5 sets.

Alternating arm and leg: Start on your hands and knees. Extend your right arm forward next to your ear and at the same time extend your left leg until it’s straight. Hold for a good second. Repeat on the other side. Perform 10 – 20 reps, 3 – 5 sets.

Shoulder Shrugs: Just as it’s stated, you will stand with both arms on your sides at a relaxed position and raise it up to a shrug. Then come down to the relaxed position in a controlled manner instead of dropping them straight down. Perform 10 – 20 reps, 2 – 5 sets.

Shoulder Retraction: Start with elbows bent at your sides. You will extend your arms forward, then bring them back so your hands are by your side, right underneath your chest level. The motion is like performing rows with a cable machine or as if you are skiing. Remember to retract your shoulders when you pull back – imagine there is a pencil between your shoulder blades and you are squeezing it in place. Perform 10 – 20 reps, 2 – 5 sets.

Open Book: Start by laying down on your back with your knees bent. Then turn to the left. Your knees should still be bent, with your left leg and left arm on the floor. Your left arm should be in front of you extended out. Your right arm should lay on top of the left arm, palms touching each other. Then slowly turn your arms out towards the right as if you are turning a page. Do this nice and slow to feel the motion and stretches. Perform 10 reps. Next, turn on your right and repeat the same thing you did with the left, 10 reps. Do this 3 – 5 sets.

Pec stretch: At the doorway, have your forearms touching the doorway, elbows bent at 90 degrees. Step forward with one foot. You will feel a stretch on your chest. Hold this position for 20 – 30 seconds. Perform 3 – 5 reps. Note: if your doorway is too big, you can do this one side at a time. If you are using your right forearm on the edge of the doorway, then use your right foot to step forward.

Do these exercises every day. You should start to see some improvements little by little. Remember, it can take a long time depending on how long you’ve had shoulders and how flexible you are. 

If you experience any sharp pain during or after exercise, stop and consult your doctor first. There could be other underlying issues that need to be addressed first. Otherwise, you may need supervision by a physical therapist of Physical Therapy New York, NY to modify the exercise or manipulate the joints and muscles to get the right results.


Best Physical Therapy Methods: Solve Your Injury Problems

We all know that physical therapists have a special skill to assess the human body and helping to reduce any injury from breaks to bursitis. They can help diagnose and treat many general diseases and movement diseases.

Physical therapy is one of the best options you can make when you have long-term pain or an injury. It can make you more active and help you feel better. You will get recovery in a short time.

When you are suffering from the pain, ask your doctor to recommend a physical therapist. If you are looking for Physical Therapy New York, NY, there are so many best therapy center are available. Probably you will need a series of visits. Even, you should practice some of the exercises at home, it will give you the best results.

Physical Therapy — The Best Treatment

Ready to go moving on the road to recovery? For the most effective treatment methods, choose a qualified physical therapist. They have many methods to reduce patient’s pain. Let’s see the best treatment method of physical therapy.

–  Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is also known as manipulative therapy. It’s a physical treatment that is typically used in conjunction with traditional physical therapy methods.

Physical Therapist will use their hands to implement pressure on muscle tissue and manipulate joints of the body, as engaged to using a machine or device. This therapy can be quite powerful for treating both critical and constant pain.

Manual Therapy is the most effective. It has shown to help with decreasing pain and increasing functional outcomes. This method of therapy has been examined heavily and has several investigations published in peer-reviewed journals, some of which include Physical Therapy.

–  Ice Therapy

Ice Therapy is the best for Injuries. This therapy can be an important component of injury. By contracting blood vessels after treatment, ice is an efficient way to decrease and even stop the pain quickly following an injury. Ice therapy can also transmit the joint more mobile and enhance manual therapy.

Although it’s hard to hold down the most efficient compact, utilizing Ice packs to inflamed fields has been determined to significantly decrease increasing in soft muscle injuries sped Source Trusted Specialist.

–  Heat Therapy

Heat Therapy is the best for injuries involving strong spams and tightness. Utilizing heat has been shown to reduce pain and improve mobility after some injuries — essentially those affecting soft tissue like muscles. By making the muscle more flexible, the therapist can better increase the injured area. Note one thing when you are using heat therapy, it is just one tool to help the therapist be more effective, the specialist says that it shouldn’t be the main focus of a therapy plan.

–  Low-Level Laser Therapy

Low-Level Laser Therapy is best for muscular or connective tissue injuries. This therapy uses specific wavelengths of light to excite healing and can help to reduce inflammation, muscle fatigue, and paint rusted Cause. It can also enable the therapist to remove the injured part around more comfortable with less discomfort.

These therapies are best to recover your injury. But before using it, never forget to get professional medical advice. Always check with a physical therapist or doctor first once those pains and injuries occur!

Read More:

What Should You Know About Shoulder Injury Rehabilitation?


Treatment of Muscle & Joint Problems with Physical Therapy

Physical TherapyMany of us suffer from muscle and joint problems. This can happen due to many reasons which may include an injury or by our daily work routine. The modern lifestyle makes many of us sit as desk jobs.

This gives us stiffness in our body, and the last thing you would want to do in such a situation is to move our joint around. However, this is a safe way to cure our problem. Get the help of Physical Therapy Queens NY and bid your muscle and joint discomfort farewell. Physical therapy is a great way to get your strength back and to relieve yourself of the pain.

Another common reason why people suffer from muscle and joint problems is due to the fact that our age, as well as an unhealthy lifestyle. Getting the help of a physical therapist will help us manage our problems and get to the root of the cause.

How to Recognize the Muscle & Joint Problem?

If you have been feeling discomfort in your joints or muscle pain, then and there is a reason that you should look into this. If you ignore this pain, it can increase and can hinder your daily activities. You may experience acute sprain or strain in your muscles or tendons.

You may also feel a strain in your ligaments, and there can also be inflammation in the regions where you have enjoyed yourself. You must never ignore the symptoms. If you continue straining yourself further, you might push yourself to such a limit from which recovery can be quite a difficult task.

How will Physical Therapy Help You?

First, the physical therapist will ask you questions about how you have insured yourself and try to figure out what is causing the stiffness in your body. It can just be something as simple as a wrong sleeping posture. Generally, the physical therapist will ask you to rest your body properly.

They also ask you to put ice on the spellings and to compress the area. They will also teach you simple exercises as well as massage your body to elevate your symptoms. From stretching exercises to join mobilizing techniques, everything will be taught to you according to your needs.

Contact the nearest physical therapy center  today and say goodbye to all your worries!

Read More:

Best Physical Therapy Methods: Solve Your Injury Problems


How Physical Therapy New Hyde Park NY Can Help in Shoulder Pain?

In our body most flexible and movable joint is our shoulder, it consists of several bones, muscles, joints, and tendons. This means there are many different ways from which the shoulder can become injured and cause pain. There are different causes of shoulder pain and steps in which patients can eliminate or become discomfort to do that type of particular steps. Physical therapy is the only most useful way of healing several types of shoulder pain. Book an appointment or call New Age Physical Therapy New Hyde Park NY  to get treatment form experienced physical therapist which can help to heal shoulder pain.

Different symptoms which cause Shoulder Pain:

Sometimes small injuries on the back side of our shoulder can cause big shoulder pain. Other than the sometimes repetitive motion of shoulder injury can cause muscles, joints, tendons get chances to hurt that places repeatedly. Physical therapy provides several types of exercise that may reduce the pain in the patient shoulder. A physical therapist works and creates those type of program which fulfils the needs of the patient and their shoulder pain.

There are various types of shoulder pain heal option are there which reduces the pain from the patient body.

1) Torn Cartilage:

If any patient suffering from torn cartilage which can produce a number of painful symptoms. These type of injury include limited range of motion, decreased strength and clicking sensations when patient moving their arm. They may also experience the pain of torn cartilage when they moving their arm in certain positions. A physical therapist can provide this type of injury to heal with very accurate. If any patient is suffering from a torn cartilage.

2) Sprains and Strains

The initial stage of sprains and strains can cause ongoing shoulder pain that makes it difficult to perform daily activities for patients. A sprain is when a muscle system is stretched or torn. A strain involves a tendon or muscle that is stretched or torn. Sometimes the Initial stage of sprains and strains can be cured on its own of the patients. But sometimes those patients have severe shoulder pain they will need proper physical therapy and physical therapist both.

3) Frozen Shoulder

This is a worse painful condition for a patient that arises automatically and also at the initial stage it resolves by itself. But at that painful stage, a physical therapist can heal the frozen shoulder pain. In that time, frozen shoulder can produce ongoing pain and stiffness.

A physical therapist can provide various types of pain relief in shoulder pain. Physical Therapy New Hyde Park NY provides the best therapist who provides the best treatment in shoulder pain relief to their patients. A trained physical therapist can use different therapy to ease pain and increase mobility. Physical therapy provides the exercise of kneading and massaging specific joints, tendons, and muscles in the shoulder area.

Sometimes, a physical therapist can teach patient various types of exercises that they can be able to do at home and also get instant heal from that particular exercise which they provide to do.  Some therapist does different techniques for shoulder pain like aqua therapy, ultrasound or electrical nerve stimulation.

Whatever type of pain you’re suffering from, a trained physical therapist can create a program to treat your particular condition. Directly Contact New Age Physical Therapy New Hyde Park NY office today to schedule a consultation with physical therapists.


Physical Therapy vs. Chiropractic Care

Physical Therapy vs. Chiropractic Care
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Physical therapy and chiropractic share common goals like relieving pain, however, the modalities used for the two practices are quite different. Physical therapy helps patients regain mobility and prevent future injury, for all body parts, while accomodating to the individual’s pain level and tolerance. Chiropractic concentrates on realigning the spinal vertebrae that is causing pain and/or pressure on the nerves.

With this treatment, symptoms for a diagnoses may return later on, thus, chiropractic requires continous support. On the other hand, a physical therapist will inform patients proper steps or exercises to prevent problems from happening again. Often times, chiropractic is ineffective in treating chronic pain but it can treat acute pain such as those experienced from moving furniture, shoveling, or falls.

Chiropractors focus solely on muscle and skeletal manipulation, thus, there is a greater chance for conditions to worsen. Since all individuals are different, some people may not respond well to these treatments. A physical therapy program, however, will be catered to the individual’s starting point and will work along their pain level and progress as the patient proceeds.

A physical therapist will also carry out tests during the initial evaluation to determine which exercises will be appropriate and which to avoid to prevent exacerbation. Instead of the more aggressive techniques used in chiropractic, Physical Therapy New York, NY incorporates a more gentle approach, therefore, further injuries are unlikely.

Physical therapists know more about how the body works, therefore, they are more likely to locate underlying injuries or weaknesses if present. This knowledge can help proceed the treatment program efficiently by working on the point of origin. The therapist can also recognize which exercises to do safely without onsetting pain in other body parts as everything is essentially connected. Chiropractors, however, tend to focus on spinal issues and fail to see the whole picture.

Here is an overview of why physical therapy may be a better option:

  • Physical therapy can treat more aspects of the human body
  • Chiropractic may cause addition pain/injuries
  • Physical therapists are more likely to see undyling problems

However, as always it is best to consult your physician to see which practice will be best for you.
