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How to get recover in Basketball Injuries through Physical Therapy?

With March Madness just got over, and NBA basketball playoffs are in sight. We still have got basketball on the mind – as many people do at this time every year. Many people working on their brackets, physical therapist are ready to deal with injuries which arise from basketball.

Basketball Injuries Physical Therapy

All players playing at college, NBA level are very well conditioned and trained. They still get hurt and need to warm up properly in order to avoid injuries.

Meanwhile weekend worrier, who just started playing outside as weather is getting better have to be more careful to avoid injuries playing basketball.

All players must do good warm up and stretches before starting game. All players should condition themselves and have proper footwear while playing.

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Common Basketball Injuries

These are the common basketball injuries which we see commonly;

  • Ankle Injuries (sprains, strains, fractures tibia/ fibula)
  • Knee Injuries (ACL, MCL, Meniscus tears)
  • Shoulder Injuries (Rotator Cuff tears)
  • Hand & Wrist Injuries (sprains, dislocations, fractures)

Regardless of your age, if you have an injury playing basketball, physical therapy can help you to recover from your injury. Physical therapy can help you to reduce pain, increase range of motion and improve muscle strength.

Most of us don’t get luxury of a professional basketball player and get personal physical therapist. Here at New Age Physical Therapy we tailored each patient’s treatment depends on their injury and get them back to playing basketball as soon as possible.

New York State allows direct access to physical therapy. That means you get to make an appointment whether or not you have a prior prescription from another physician.

Our physical therapist is highly motives have more than 16 years of experience in outpatient physical therapy. If have been injured playing basketball, contact us today to set up an appointment.


How Physical Therapy can help after a work related Injury?

Getting injured on the job is no fun. Workers who get hurt at work are most worried about when they can go back to work. How long they will be out? Will they able fulfill their financial obligations? It is very frustrating to get hurt either at work or somewhere else. Workers should know what steps to follow once they get hurt.

Work Related Injury Treatment

Many people who do a lot of labor such as construction work, contractor, loading/unloading etc. are more prone for injury. But people in any work environment can get hurt may be due to repetitive activities, slip and fall etc.

After you are injured at your work you should report injury to superior then you should seek immediate medical help.Your health and well-being should always be your top priority. Once you seek medical help physician will explain you type and extend of your injury and what measures to take for getting back to work.

Read more: Ice Bottle Massage for Plantar Fasciitis

Physical Therapy

Physical therapy depends upon your type and severity of injury. Patient may need physical therapy if he had any orthopedic injury. In most extreme cases patient may need surgery. Other injury can be treated with conservative method like pain killers, anti-inflammatory, rest, injections and physical therapy.

In most cases physical therapy can help to improve patient’s functional level. Physical therapist can help you to alleviate pain by modalities like hot packs, cold packs, electrical stimulation, and ultrasound. Therapist can help with range of motion, strength. Physical therapist can make a treatment plan based on your injury. Therapist can give you particular exercise plan to carry out at home for faster recovery.

Our physical therapist is treating this kind of conditions for more than sixteen years. We offer direct access to physical therapy for patients so setting up an appointment doesn’t require a prescription. Just call and see how we can help you with your injury.


Ice Bottle Massage for Plantar Fasciitis

While we are talking about plantar fasciitis then it is painful situation that may limit your ability to even walk and sometime you can’t run too. This situation occurs when the plantar fascia, the tough tissue on the bottom of your leg foot, and it becomes inflamed or irritated.

This may occur if you have high span, having tightness in the muscles of your lower leg for Sports Rehabilitation, or if the bottom of your foot paining from overuse and repetitive strain.

Ice Bottle Massage for Plantar Fasciitis

Administration of plantar fasciitis includes an exhaustive evaluation from your specialist or physical therapist to decide the reason for your foot torment.

Starting administration of plantar fasciitis includes controlling the fiery procedure in your foot. This typically includes utilizing ice to diminish the torment and aggravation in the plantar sash. Ice packs can be connected to the base of your foot for 10-15 minutes, a few times each day, to control the irritation.

Another approach to apply ice to your plantar sash is with the ice bottle knead. This application procedure has the additional advantage of tenderly kneading the tissue on the base of your foot.

The ice-bottle back rub can give a delicate extend to your plantar belt, which may enhance general versatility in your curve and foot.

To perform the ice bottle massage for plantar fasciitis:

1. Get a plastic water bottle. On the off chance that you’ve bought filtered water, you may wish to really drink it in the first place, since you effectively paid a top notch cost for sifted or spring water.

2. Fill your water bottle around seventy five percent full. Put the container in your cooler, and leave space for the water to grow as it stops.

3. Keep the top off the jug as the water solidifies, yet spare the top. Make certain that the container does not tip over in your cooler.

4. Wait for couple of hours for the water to stop, and after that evacuate the jug and put the top on it.

5. Sit in a seat and lay the ice bottle on the floor on its side.

6. Gradually roll your difficult foot over the water bottle, and then press delicately into the container to knead your excruciating plantar sash.

7. You can play out the ice bottle knead for 10-15 minutes a few times each day simply make sure to store the water bottle in your cooler after every utilization.

Once the irritation in your foot is under control, you may need to enhance the adaptability of your calf and plantar belt to additionally deal with your condition. The plantar fascia extend and the towel calf extend are two straightforward and powerful approaches to enhance the adaptability around your lower leg and plantar belt.

In specific cases patient may require orthotics to right foot position. Physical therapist may utilize kineso tape to treat resolute heel torment.

Podiatrist or lower leg/foot pro may give you a cortisone shot to alliviate intense agony and may recommend you hostile to inflammatory.

Plantar fasciitis can be a reason for foot torment and may confine your capacity to perform every day movement. Yet, customary utilization of ICE back rub of ICE pack can truly control your torment.

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How to Help Your Plantar Fasciitis Pain?


Physical Therapy Can Be as Effective as Surgery for Back Pain

While we are talking about treatment of lumbar spinal stenosis pain in the lower back area, effective physical therapy can be as better as operation. Patient should always try conservative method before going for spinal surgery.

Physical Therapy Can Be as Effective as Surgery for Back Pain

Some studies have found equal benefits between physical therapy and decompression surgery for lubar spinal stenosis. Spinal stenosis is a narrowing of the open spaces inside your spine, which can put weight on your spinal string and the nerves that go through the spine to your arms and legs. Spinal stenosis happens frequently in the lower back and the neck.

Narrowing of the spinal channel in the lumbar locale from age, joint inflammation or numerous different elements can pack the spinal rope or the nerve attaches leaving the spine to frame vast nerves.

Coming about pressure of these nerves can bring about torment, deadness and shortcoming in the lower back, rear end, thighs and legs. Decompression surgery is currently the quickest developing intercession in the more seasoned populace.

Comparative path pressure of the nerves in cervical spine can bring about torment, deadness and shortcoming in neck, arms and hands. Numerous orthopedic specialists are performing spinal combination for specific cases and it’s been compelling in a few patients.

In any case, as parcel of studies has indicated rise to profit by talented active recuperation, patients ought to be urged to go through all traditionalist treatment first before pondering surgery.

For complete back pain solution for this pain you go for Physical Therapy New Hyde Park, NY where you will get complete spinal physical therapy solution.


How to Help Your Plantar Fasciitis Pain?

It is most common type of heel pain. Planter fasciitis is a painful inflammation of the fibrous band of connective tissue (plantar fascia) that runs along the bottom of the foot and connects the heel bone to the ball of the foot.

It occurs commonly when planter fascia is being stressed. It is an overuse type of injury. It is common in middle age to older people. It is common with people whose work involve lot of standing, walking. Other foot/ankle conditions can aggrevate or can cause inflammation under heel.

Plantar Fasciitis Pain Therapy

Pain associated with plantar fasciitis is usually felt at bottom of the heel and around the heel. It can be particularly prominent when you take your first steps getting out of bed, getting up after sitting for a while. It gets lesser as you walk around but it can again feel worst by end of the day.

There are simple things which you can do at home before you call your doctor or therapist which can help you.


Iceing bottom of the heel in this condition can really help to reduce pain. Patient can ice once or twice a day for about 15 min.

There are different way you can Ice for your heel pain either use regular ice pack or you can freeze water bottle and role it under your heel.

Proper Footwear

It is very important to pay attention to your footwear in this condition. If you are wearing flat shoe, footwear or walk barefoot in the house it can really aggrevate your pain.

So it is very important that you wear proper footwear all the time. You can also try over the counter insoles which can help some patients. Running sneakers or shoe with little heel can help you to avoid pressure under heel.


Most of the people who develop planter fasciitis have tightness across their calf muscles. Patient should try to stretch their calf muscles regularly once start feeling pain or discomfort under their heel.

All these home remedy fails to relieve your pain you should consult your doctor or expert physical therapist at Physical Therapy Flushing, NY.

Your primary care physician may refer you to an orthopedic or podiatrist. Doctor can give you anti-inflammatory pills, shot of cortisone and may advise you to start physical therapy.

Physical therapist may work with you to reduce pain and improve your mobility by using appropriate modalities and therapeutic exercises.

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How Physical Therapy Plays Major Role in Recovering from Sports Injury?

For many sports injuries athletes have to go thru physical therapy to get back to their optimal function level. It is common problem to having injuries while participating in large or small sports organized by any organization, having competition, getting hard training and exercises as well as physical therapy or fitness activities.

How Physical Therapy Plays Major Role in Recovering from Sports Injury?

Less trained technique used in sports, improper warm-up, doing overuse of any sport or exercises, lack of conditioning are few cause of having sports injuries.

If athletes are using poor technique bio-mechanically they are more prone for injuries.  Improper warm up can lead to muscle strain. Lack of conditioning can lead to muscle or ligament injuries.

Overuse is major contributor to an injury. Most of the athletes are highly motivated and they over train themselves, spent more time practicing or training that can lead to overuse injury.

Coping with sports injuries often require skilled physical rehabilitation. Physical therapist helps athletes rebuild their strength. Also physical therapist can help them to achieve optimum flexibility.

Physical therapist can evaluate athlete and help them control their pain, help them to heal faster, keeps muscle flexible, condition them with proper bio mechanics and teach them how to prevent injury in future.

With help of New Age Physical Therapy Whitestone, NY skilled physical therapist athletes can go back to their sports and perform at their optimal level.


How New Age Physical Therapy Can Help Elderly Patients?

Now a day physical therapy is commonly used among all people who suffer with pain, stiffness other orthopedic, neurological conditions. It could be due to accident, fall, sports, unknown reasons or age related. Most of the patients feel that their quality of life has improved after physical therapy.

Physical Therapy for Elderly Patients

Keeping physical therapy benefits in mind, for many older people physical therapy is effective to improve their mobility and function. Older patients may need physical therapy due to many reasons. Most common reasons are arthritis, walking difficulties or balance problem.

Physical therapy can restore or increase muscle strength, improve range of motion in effected joints, improve flexibility, coordination, and endurance. Along with these benefits it can also help to reduce pain by different pain modalities.

The most common pain and stiffness occurs across knee, hip, shoulder, neck and back.  As symptoms get progressively worst most patients will have trouble with their daily activities of living.

As people get older they lose muscle mass, lose flexibility in their muscle which put more stress on their joints, in turn lead to pain and stiffness. Also as you get older activity decreases this promotes muscle mass loss.

At New Age Physical Therapy we keep our patients in their game, life style by helping them to relieve their pain. We have skilled therapist who can assess your problem and make a unique treatment plan which can put you back on track. We also educate patients on their home exercise plan which can make them independent in their own well being.


Simple but Important Physical Therapy for Elbow Injury Pain

Elbow injury is not as common as shoulder, knee but many times we have heard of tennis elbow, golfer elbow. This kind of injury does not happen to people who play golf or tennis. Anybody can get that kind of pain or other elbow pain.

If you are in pain and unable to use your arm, elbow without pain you should consult your physical therapist that can evaluate you and develop treatment plan to help you return to your previous level of function.

Elbow Injury Pain

In most of the plan first goal is to reduce pain so initial therapy may include electrical stimulation, ultrasound, soft tissue mobilization but mainstay of your program will be therapeutic exercises.

Therapeutic exercises may include Range of elbow motion exercises, strengthening exercises, flexibility exercises.

Conditions that may require you to perform elbow range of motion exercises may include:

  • Tennis elbow/ lateral epicondylitis
  • Golfer’s elbow/medial epicondylitis
  • Elbow fracture
  • Shoulder pain or injury
  • Olecrenon bursitis
  • any contusion or injury to elbow

Initially while controlling pain therapist another important goal is to maintain or increase your Range of motion.

These are simple exercises like…

1. Bending elbow (elbow flexion)

2. Stretching elbow or straightening elbow (elbow extension)

3. Rotating forearm in (Pronation)

4. Rotating forearm out (Supination)

5. Turn it Over: Forearm Supination

Range of motion exercises can be performing 1-2 times a day 1 or 2 sets of 10 or as prescribed by your physical therapist. If any ROM exercises increases your pain you should consult your physical therapist.

Once patient has good ROM and mild pain next goal is to strengthen elbow. Physical therapist can use free weights, your own body weights or mechanical weight to increase your strength. Physical therapist may use digiflex, towel gripping exercises or there putty. At this point therapist may advised you to do some strengthening exercises at home

All above mentioned modalities and exercises will help you to achieve your prior functional level. So if you got hurt and have pain or stiffness in elbow consult visit Physical Therapy Fresh Meadows, NY; your physical therapist and ask how he/she can help you.


Do you need physical therapy for bad ankle injury? Try this therapy

Have tried wobbling board for any injury or knowing how to use it for physical therapy? It can be amazing tools for rehabilitation for bad ankle sprain and also it often used in yoga and sport training too.

Sometimes patients complaints about their ankle pain it may happen that ligaments has been damaged; ligaments have injuries that known as ankle sprains.

bad ankle injury

Do you how wobble board helps for having relaxed from ankle pain?

There are many ways that can be done through wobble boards which works to rehab the injured ankle.

It will improve motion range:

Ankles become strict due to injury; and that is the problem that leads to injury again. At that time wobble board will play important role for recovery; it will move you ankle in all movement and help to joints.

We think that ankle motion works as up and down only, but you are wrong here it also works in both right and left sides and in rotation view too. The wobble board is the main tools which will help you to move your ankle in all these direction smoothly with pain.


It helps to improve strength of Ankle:

When you have pain due injury of ankle at that time muscles that surrounding on ankle is become week and make pain much. Due to this it may happen that you will lead to ankle pain and joints pain too.

With the help of this mobility the ankle not target general up and down movements of ankle for the different muscles surrounding through joints. The wobble board will help for functional movements for the joints.

It improves proprioception

If you don’t know about Proprioception; then first we clear about it that it helps to give any message to your brain from body. It may happen that due to having ankle injury your Proprioception can be damaged and can problems for doing movements of ankle.

The balance board is the things that help to not only recover ankle joints pain but retain ankle joints too and your body movements that prevent future injury. Those peoples who have good Proprioceptive ability in their body have possibility to recover ankle joints earlier.

Some ankle sprains have ability to recover it quickly in simple steps but sometimes it happens that it may take time, at that time wobble board is the tools that will help you to rehab this pain. New Age Physical Therapy Centre Queens, NY helps to recover this ankle pain problem with the help of amazing physical therapy. If you have problem with this kind you should get in touch here for solution.


Simple Tricks to Protect Your Low Back When Lifting

Low back Pain Prevention Tricks

When anyone lifting any heavy weight things from ground or flooring at that time he or she feels pain in low back sometimes. Elder people often face this problem due to old age and weakness in body. The luggage or any simple things don’t have to heavy in weight but low back pain occurs due to having debilitating in body.

There are lots of reason to having pain in low back; either it may for physical body problems or may happen that due frequent bending forward side too for getting any items. Whenever you bend to lifting any items from flooring, your spine curve forward too it’s called a lordosis is reversed.

It may possibility to increase stress and tension on your spinal discs, muscles, joints and discs because of reversal of the lordosis. This is the main point and reason to having more stress on joints, muscles and disc because of having reversing lordosis and rotational movements.

You must thinking that is there any good way to prevention of pain in low back while lifting any things or bending to take simple things? Do you have any idea or solution for how to protect and recover this low back pain while you are bending?

Important to be read:

Yes, we have lots of things and ideas to prevent this kind of low back pain problems specially for those peoples who are frequently doing this in 100 times in a single day.

Keep in mind that whenever you are bending forward to lifting any simple things from flooring at that time just keep in mind that you must be in appropriate position and have to minimize the strain on your low back; you should be keeping your head up side.

Don’t forget that whenever you need to take anything that time you must bend from your knees instead of your waist and also you have keep in mind that you must be near object or luggage whatever you want to lift.

Right tricks for lifting

You have to keep your neck position in upside and head too; if you must bending forward to lift something. It is better to look straight ahead and up in front of you while looking down at the object on the ground; also never forget to bend your knees down too; it will be much helpful to you to prevent low back pain.

Now you are thinking that how it will be helpful to bending forward from knees and lookup straight position to prevent pain; its naturally technique that help most and much beneficial for low back pain and also it will protect your spinal discs, joints and muscles too very well.

If still you have confusion and you are thinking to go for expert therapist for this low back pain then you should visit New Age Physical Therapy Queens, NY for better pain prevention therapy. It will be much good and beneficial for you to recover.

The experts at new age PT centre will teach you well to help your condition through exercises in natural way, so you don’t need to take any kind of medicines too.

Therapist will also teach you how to maintain your posture for your back through different exercises and therapy.

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