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Simple Hip Exercises and Stretches to Help You Relieve Pain

The hips are one of the many parts that enable the body to work like a well-oiled machine. Our hips are the major weight bearing bones that allow us to perform daily activities, from running a marathon to walking up stairs. These constant stresses can cause pain and injury to the hip joints.

Simple stretches and exercises can help relieve pain by improving the muscles around the hips join for more stability and flexibility. These stretches and exercises can be done at home without expensive equipment.

Hip Exercises and Stretches

In the case of injury, it is important to visit a physical therapist to evaluate your injury in depth and to create a detailed exercise regimen to suit your specific needs. However, you can begin stretching and exercising at home before visiting a physical therapist.

One or more of these common symptoms can alert you to hip injury. Pain or discomfort in your:

  • Thighs
  • Inside or outside the hip joint
  • Groin
  • Buttocks
  • Front or side of hip

There are other causes for hip pain from stress related to medical conditions, such as:

  • Arthritis
  • Hip fractures
  • Tendonitis and bursitis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Pinched nerves
  • Hip Dislocation

Along with pain and other common symptoms, you may also suffer from a limited range of motion which may prevent you from doing simple tasks throughout the day. A physical therapist can help create an effective exercise plan by helping you manage pain and strengthen your muscles around the hip joint.

Hip Exercises and Stretches

Here are some simple hip exercises and stretches that can be done at home to help you relieve pain from hip injuries.

  • Hip Flexion Exercise – Support yourself with a chair or table ledge and march in place by bringing your knees up in front of you. March for one minute.
  • Hip Abduction Exercise – Start by laying on one side of your body on a flat surface with your legs straight and your toes pointed. Raise the leg not touching the surface straight up and hold for 5 seconds then return back to starting position. Repeat this 10 times for 2 sets. Do the same on the other side.
  • Prone Hip Extension – Start by laying on your stomach on a flat surface. Raise one of your leg straight up and hold it up for 5 seconds then return your leg slowly back down. Repeat this 10 time for 2 sets. Do the same on the other leg.
  • Bridge – Laying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Lift your hips up while tightening your abdominal and buttock muscles. Make sure your shoulders to your knees make a straight line. Hold this position for 5 seconds then slowly lower yourself back down. Do this a total of 10 repetitions.
  • Single Leg Bridge- Laying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Straighten and raise one leg then lift your hips up while tightening your abdominal muscles. Make sure your shoulders to your knees make a straight line. Hold this position for 2 seconds then slowly lower yourself back down. Do this a total of 10 repetitions for each leg.
  • Frog Stretch- Begin by getting on your hand and knees in tabletop position. Widen your knees as far as you can go feeling a stretch. Also making sure the inner part of your feet are touching the ground while your knees and heels are aligned. Ease yourself forward onto your arms and hold for 10 seconds. Repeat for 3 repetitions.

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