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How Physical Therapy Can Help You Cope with Pain?

How Physical Therapy Can Help You Cope with Pain?
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According to many studies most of us go thru some kind of pain in given 3-6 month period. It could be simple neck ache or severe pain post surgery, post injury, post fall or other incident.

For most acute pain patient might have to see doctor or go to emergency room. But for other routine pain and aches patient should not be rushing to emergency room. Patient can try few simple things at home depends on type of pain before rushing to emergency room.

For any acute injury patient can follow simple formula-PRICE.

It stands for

P- Protection

R- Rest

I- Ice

C- Compression

E- Elevation

For chronic conditions patient can use hot packs.

For most musculo-skeletal pain physical therapist can help you to manage your pain with different modality at home. Physical therapist can also advise to do different exercise to relieve pain. Physical therapist can also advise to modify your lifestyle to help you cope with your pain.

By avoiding pain with conservative methods, patient can avoid visits to emergency room and long wait, can avoid addiction to controlled pain medication and its side effects. So next time if you have any pain or somebody who you know have pain follows simple steps and consults your physical therapist if needed.

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