
New Age Physical Therapy

  • Wrist Conditions and Physical Therapy

    Wrist Conditions and Physical Therapy

    Do you suffer from stiff, painful hands? Do you have numbness in hand? Do you have difficulty with writing? Hand or wrist pain can affect daily life as well as the ability to perform functional daily task. Wrist pain can…

  • Elbow Conditions and Physical Therapy

    Elbow Conditions and Physical Therapy

    The elbow joint is formed between the lower end of the upper arm bone and the upper ends of the two bones in the forearm. The joint is designed to allow the elbow to bend and straighten and the forearm…

  • Ankle, Foot Pain Conditions

    Ankle, Foot Pain Conditions

    The foot and ankle is a complex structure. The human foot and ankle is a strong structure which contains exactly 26 bones, 33 joints. Foot and ankle injuries are common in sports like running, tennis, football, baseball and soccer. Sprained…
