
New Age Physical Therapy

  • Hip Conditions and Physical Therapy

    Hip Conditions and Physical Therapy

    Hip pain is a common problem. Pain in or around hip can be caused by many conditions in and around hip joint. Patient can also get referred pain to their hips from lower back. Other problems in lower extremity can…

  • Physical Therapy For Knee Pain

    Physical Therapy For Knee Pain

    The Knee is one of the most common pain in many active and sedentary individual.  More common source of pain in knee is due to localized problem, but in some cases it could be referred pain from other joint such…

  • Physical Therapy For Back Pain

    Physical Therapy For Back Pain

    A majority of the population will experience back pain in their lifetime.  The back provides connection between the upper body and lower body. It is very easy to hurt your back whether you are lifting, reaching or sudden twisting movements.…
