
New Age Physical Therapy

  • Shoulder Pain Injury Physical Therapy

    Shoulder Pain Injury Physical Therapy

    The shoulder region is made up of a few joints. The shoulder joint has a maximum freedom of movement of all other joints in your body. As it has more freedom of movement it is more common to get hurt.…

  • Physical Therapy For Neck Pain

    Physical Therapy For Neck Pain

    Neck Conditions and Physical Therapy Neck Pain is a common problem, with two-thirds of the population having neck pain at some point in their lives.  Many times patient will get confuse between neck and shoulder pain.  Some patient may develop…

  • Work Related Injury Treatment

    Work Related Injury Treatment

    At New Age Physical Therapy, we work with a majority of work related injuries that may have arise from your work.  Our approach is to understand not only the injury, but also the circumstances in which you work. How you…
