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Important Physical Therapy after Car Accident Injury

A motor vehicle accident can be something that will change your day or your life. It is very important that injured victim takes professional help after accident.

Physical therapist is one the key provider in treating many motor vehicle accident injuries. Physical therapy can help to promote healing, decrease pain, increase flexibility, increase mobility and restore function. Physical therapy also is a preferable option to surgery, which should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.

Most common injuries after car accidents are head injuries, neck and back injuries, chest injuries, contusion, lacerations, organ injuries, fracture, sprain, strain.

Car Accident Physical Therapy

Head injuries, injuries to brain can be very severe. Emergency responders will stabilize patient and take them to emergency room to make sure about injuries and extend of injury. Patient might have x-ray, scans, blood work then physician decides treatment plan. Fractures or other life threatening injuries may require hospital stay and or even surgery.

Most common injury is whiplash. Driver or passenger may have neck pain or muscle pain in upper back with or without radicular pain in hand/arm. Weakness in arm can happen in severe cases. This can happen from sudden jerk to neck which moves neck suddenly forward and backward. This causes strain, sprain in muscles. Patient can have disc problem in some cases.

Some patient also develops back pain from sudden jerk and could have numbness and radicular pain in legs if there is disc involvement.

In most cases, Patient will be referred to physical therapy. Physician will refer a patient to physical therapy after car accidents to treat their pain, aches and to get them back to their prior function level.

At New Age Physical Therapy our skilled physical therapist will evaluate your condition and your needs in detail and plan out your treatment which can bring you back to your normal life. Our goal is always to give you quality care and restore your function to prior functional level.

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