All Posts tagged Physical Therapy Queens

Importance of a Strong Grip

Importance of a Strong Grip
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Grip strength is important in a variety of situations, from activities of daily living to sports and other hobbies. This motion involves the muscles of the hand and the forearm.

Putty: You can purchase these relatively easily from a sporting goods store or online. You can practice squeezing it for about 5 min per day to improve strength and motion. 

If you already have a stress ball at home, it works perfectly too. But if the stress ball itself is too hard for you, you should purchase the easiest level of putty to practice with, as there are different levels of rigidity.

Dumbbell Grip: If you have a dumbbell, you can grip it normally and walk across the room and back (Farmer’s Walk). Perform about 5 – 10 rounds. It should be heavy enough that it is difficult to hold onto by the 4th round or so. 

Pincher Grip: You can grab the head of the dumbbell instead of where you would grab it normally and perform the farmer’s walk, 5 – 10 rounds.

For more information, you can contact Physical Therapy New York, NY


Preventive Physical Therapy for School Athletes

Preventive  Physical Therapy for School Athletes
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Do you have a child signed up for a sports team? Or perhaps you are in a team yourself. Chances are, he or she may acquire some type of injury during their sports activities. If one will train their coordination, balance, and motor control based on their sports – preventative physical therapy can help avoid injury or lessen the degree of injury with a faster recovery rate.

It is very common to have injuries among athletes. Some of the most common injuries are rolled ankles, strained hamstrings, and rotator cuff tears. These can occur because of wear & tear, repetitive movements through non-optimal motions of specific joints, over-training and/or not enough rest in between training.

Rolled ankles – common in any sports that involve running and jumping. Once a rolled ankle occurs, it is quite easy to re-injure the same ankle because most of the time, the athlete often needs to get back into the get sooner than the body demands.

In order to prevent this, one would train in balance and reflex movements as well as strengthening the lower extremities and the core muscles. An example of balance training would be standing on one leg for 10 seconds and increasing the time as he or she gets stronger. Another form of advanced balance exercise can be standing on a Bosu ball or a balance board.

In preventing hamstring strains, the athlete would need to strengthen the hamstring muscle, increase flexibility in the quadriceps muscle, and train instability and core. Training stability can be done by balance exercises such as standing on one leg, same as for the ankles. You can also perform lunges which trains both hamstring and quadriceps muscle at the same time.

For rotator cuffs, it is important to strengthen in different planes of motions of the shoulder as well as for the surrounding muscles.
Exercises using the elastic bands are a great way to strengthen the shoulders – moving in external and internal rotation, abduction and adduction, flexion and extension, and even doing hand walks on the wall moving in different directions with the bands around the wrists are great ways to strengthen the rotator cuffs.

In Physical Therapy New York, NY, your physical therapist will work on the athlete based on the need of the athlete as well as adding different and complex activities to involve specific movements for the specific sports. Your insurance may not cover for preventative physical therapy. You can call your physical therapist to ask for specific pricing for preventative physical therapy and ask what they can do for your child or for yourself.


Physical Therapy for Bell’s Palsy

Physical Therapy for Bell’s Palsy
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Bell’s Palsy

Bell’s palsy is a sudden paralysis of the facial muscles from damage to the cranial nerve. The exact cause of this is not yet fully known however, it can result from different conditions.

Who Can Bell’s Palsy Affect?

It can occur in people who have diabetes, pregnancy, a viral infection, or other neurological disorder that causes paralysis or certain inflammatory diseases.

When a person gets Bell’s palsy, the facial paralysis can go away in a few months but it can last longer. It’s important to check with your doctor first to get the right diagnosis for your treatment and let it heal correctly.

What Can Happen?

It can be problematic with your daily life when you do get Bell’s Palsy. One of the issues is the drooping of the face, leading to discomfort and impediment in speech. Not only that, the mouth can also drool since it’s drooping.

The eye can also dry out because your eyelid may not close properly. Your doctor will then prescribe some eye drops for you to use to keep it lubricated.

These are some of the problems that can get in the way of a person’s social/work life.

How can Physical Therapy help?

Your physical therapist of Physical Therapy New York, NY will work on the affected muscles manually and stimulate the facial muscle using a specific machine as needed. He or she will help you with certain facial movement exercises in order to correct and strengthen your facial muscles. 

You can also do the exercises prescribed by your physical therapist at home as well. Combination with physical therapy and exercise will lead to a quick recovery and less suffering than going through with it blindly for months at a time.


How to Reactivate Your Glutes?

How to Reactivate Your Glutes?
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Glute Amnesia is the inability to contract or activate your glutes. Having inactive glutes can lead to back, hip, and/or knee pain. One of the reasons why that it can occur is because of the lack of the right muscles in the area. 

There is tightness in certain back and hip muscles, and weakness in the deeper core and glute muscle group. This can lead to problems in your lower back and hip area, commonly known as Lower Cross Body Syndrome. 

The hamstrings become the dominant muscle in movement, leading to tight or restrictive hip flexor muscles – which in turn can lead to knee and low back pain because of the muscles connected to them. 

Hamstrings can become dominant because of prolonged periods of sitting and other various reasons. This will interfere with developing the glute muscle – as both glutes and hams are primary drivers of any hip extension action – e.g. squats, deadlifts, lunges, step-ups, pelvic bridges, hip thrusts, etc. When you remove glutes from the equation you end up overworking the hams.

If your hamstrings are tight or short, they will limit hip joint mobility. The compensation pattern we see as a result of this tightness is the toe-touch pattern – which is when more movement is forced to come from your lower back instead of a hip extension. 

You can combat dominant hamstring by ham lengthening movements before moving onto gluteal activation exercises which allows increasing the range of motion in your hips for optimal gluteal exercise. 

1. Hams Stretch: You can begin by laying down on your back. You can grab a towel or a belt around one foot and lifting that leg until you feel a stretch. You can hold this for 20 – 30 seconds, 3 – 5 times. 

2. Choose exercise that will create strength and/or stability in a greater range of motion

3. Active Leg Lower – great for stimulating hams length while simultaneously causing you to engage your core to provide better pelvic stability 

4. Perform at a Doorway: Lay down face up w/ one leg leaning straight up against the wall while the other legs go out through the doorway but start with the leg bent. Extend the bent leg straight down on the floor to start. Then lift the straightened leg towards the other leg. It may not reach all the way.

There are other exercises you can do to increase gluteus activation. Consult with your physical therapist of Physical Therapy Queens, NY to find out if you have glute amnesia or other conditions. 

They will have a better understanding of how your body works, release any other tightness in the area that you may not be able to do take care of by yourself through manual therapy, and will modify exercises to fit your body’s need.


Physical Therapy for “Colles’ Fracture”

Physical Therapy for “Colles’ Fracture”
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What is “Colles’ Fracture“?

A Colle’s fracture is a break in one of the bones of the forearm near the wrist. The fracture can occur if you fall with an outstretched hand, with the end of your radius bone breaking and getting pushed toward your inner wrist. This fracture is one of the most common but most challenging outpatient fracture. This is most common in people with osteoporosis or elderly women.

Common Signs of a Colles’ Fracture

If you have suffered trauma to your wrist or have fallen onto your hand or wrist, you may have a Colle’s fracture. Common signs and symptoms of a wrist fracture or Colles’ fracture include:

– Pain and swelling in the arm, wrist or hand

– Bruising

– Decreased mobility in the wrist

– Visible lump on the back side of your forearm

Initial Treatment

If you suspect you have a Colles’ fracture, you should seek medical attention right away. Otherwise, it may result in serious complications with permanent loss of arm and hand function.

Because of the pain and swelling that occurs with a fracture, you may wish to put ice on your wrist and hand until you get to your doctor or emergency room.

It is important to have the fracture reduced. Your doctor situates the broken bone or bones manually in the correct position so that appropriate healing can take place. Another option is to have a surgical procedure call open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) when the case is severe.

Once it’s been reduced, it must be immobilized with a cast or a brace and may be required to wear a sling. You may need to visit a physical therapist to learn how to properly wear your sling. It is essential to keep the bones immobilized so that proper healing can take place.

How Can a Physical Therapist Help?

After about four to six weeks of immobilization, your doctor may remove the cast and be referred to physical therapy. The physical therapist will evaluate your strength, function, range, pain and swelling. If you had an ORIF procedure, the therapist will assess your surgical scar tissue.

Your physical therapist will develop an appropriate plan to improve the impairments and functional limitations that you may have. Your PT may prescribe a specific exercise program after your Colle’s fracture such as:

– range of motion exercises for the hand, wrist, and elbow

– strength exercises that focus on hand, wrist and elbow.

– various treatments and modalities to help decrease the swelling and pain.

– scar tissue massage and mobilization to help improve the mobility of your scar

You should notice that your mobility, strength, and function are improving while your pain and swelling are decreasing after a few weeks of physical therapy. While the fracture should be fully healed six to eight weeks after injury, you may still be limited for up to 12 to 16 weeks.

A Colles’ fracture can be a scary experience as you will have limitations in your basic abilities as well as your recreational activities. Physical Therapy Queens, NY can help you improve your functional mobility to ensure you can quickly and safely return to normal activity.


Treatment of Muscle & Joint Problems with Physical Therapy

Physical TherapyMany of us suffer from muscle and joint problems. This can happen due to many reasons which may include an injury or by our daily work routine. The modern lifestyle makes many of us sit as desk jobs.

This gives us stiffness in our body, and the last thing you would want to do in such a situation is to move our joint around. However, this is a safe way to cure our problem. Get the help of Physical Therapy Queens NY and bid your muscle and joint discomfort farewell. Physical therapy is a great way to get your strength back and to relieve yourself of the pain.

Another common reason why people suffer from muscle and joint problems is due to the fact that our age, as well as an unhealthy lifestyle. Getting the help of a physical therapist will help us manage our problems and get to the root of the cause.

How to Recognize the Muscle & Joint Problem?

If you have been feeling discomfort in your joints or muscle pain, then and there is a reason that you should look into this. If you ignore this pain, it can increase and can hinder your daily activities. You may experience acute sprain or strain in your muscles or tendons.

You may also feel a strain in your ligaments, and there can also be inflammation in the regions where you have enjoyed yourself. You must never ignore the symptoms. If you continue straining yourself further, you might push yourself to such a limit from which recovery can be quite a difficult task.

How will Physical Therapy Help You?

First, the physical therapist will ask you questions about how you have insured yourself and try to figure out what is causing the stiffness in your body. It can just be something as simple as a wrong sleeping posture. Generally, the physical therapist will ask you to rest your body properly.

They also ask you to put ice on the spellings and to compress the area. They will also teach you simple exercises as well as massage your body to elevate your symptoms. From stretching exercises to join mobilizing techniques, everything will be taught to you according to your needs.

Contact the nearest physical therapy center  today and say goodbye to all your worries!

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Best Physical Therapy Methods: Solve Your Injury Problems


Take Unlimited Advantages of Physical Therapy for Personal Fitness

Physical therapy assists people of all ages who have medical diseases, disabilities or injuries that restrict their normal capacity to move and to do work properly.

Physical Therapy Hillside, NY suggests different programs that can help people to return prior level of functioning and encourage activities and change the lifestyle that can help to stop additional injury and increase overall fitness and well being.

When the doctor suggests physical therapy, then obviously you have an injury or different problems that haven’t reacted properly to other treatments.

Sometimes it can be a difficult decision for many reasons to decide whether or not to go to physical therapy. For your any types of injury, it can help you amazingly, so there is no option for not going. Physical therapy treatment not only allows you to return your initial level of functioning, but it can accelerate the healing manner.

Wants to be feet and healthy life? Let’s know about the amazing advantages of Physical Therapy.

Reduce or Kill Every Pain

Corrective exercises and standard therapy methods such as common and simple tissue treatments such as ultrasound, taping or electrical stimulation can help to reduce pain and recover meat and joint function to reduce pain. Such therapies can also stop pain from stating.

Avoid Surgery

Surgery may not be needed if physical therapy helps to recover from an injury or reduce pain. And even if surgery is needed, you may help from pre-surgery physical therapy for better result. In many cases, you will recover faster if you are going into surgery more effective and in better shape. Additionally, health care costs are reduced by avoiding surgery.

Improve Flexibility

Are you having difficulty in standing, walking, moving or working any work? Then get the best recovering treatment. Here, no matter your age because physical therapy can help you. Strengthening and stretching exercises help to recover your capacity to move. Physical therapists can properly fit individuals with a stick, crutches or any other assistive equipment, or estimate for orthotic medicine.

Increase Your Balance and Stop Falls

When you start physical therapy, you will get screened for covering opportunity. If you are injured and at high risk for falls, therapists will provide the best exercises that safely examine your stability as a way to simulate real-life conditions.

When the stability problem is created by a problem in one’s vestibular method, Physical therapists can perform special exercises that can immediately recover proper vestibular functioning, and decrease eliminate signs of dizziness or vertigo.

Physical therapy will come in beneficial, as it can lightly exercise the arm, strengthening the muscles and dramatically increasing versatility, while decreasing pain. If you have any doubt or query about the physical therapy treatment and how it helps to recover your injury, please don’t hesitate to ask a qualified physical therapist or health care provider for more information.


Get Faster Relief from Neck Pain with Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy Little Neck, NY

In the way of living our regular lives, there are lots of situations where you could find yourself in a situation where you put yourself at risk of pain or injury.  It’s not compulsory that it has to be a serious event. But it could be something like falling down the stairs or slipping on an icy sidewalk or you could twitch your neck from consuming too much time seeming at a computer monitor at work.

When you are injured, you are doing everything possible to recover from injury.  Especially, if the injury is to your neck, you want to get relief in a short time. Physical Therapy Little Neck, NY can diagnose your pain and suggest the best solutions that will keep your pain from getting more serious.

If you are suffering from neck pain, then you can understand just how painful it can be to maintain doing the things that you did every day while dealing with this pain. When it comes to handling your neck pain, there are a lot of questions that you should consider, but the one thing that you should compulsory consider is taking physical therapy for neck pain.

Expert physical therapist is an essential source for anyone who has been suffering from neck pain. They can suggest required changes to your daily life that will help to define the amount of effort that you put on your neck, and that will also help you reduce the risks of this occurring again in future. After surgery, physical therapy provides to permanent pain control and recovery.

Physical therapy services for neck pain include stress, ultrasound, TENS and other such remedial modalities, heat and ice treatment, postural improvement, joint mobilization and exercise. Neck exercises carried out along with physical therapy can make pain relief more efficient.

In fact, physical therapy and exercising are mainstream non-surgical treatment choices for neck pain. What executes certain non-surgical choices beneficial when associated to current approach is that they can also prevent the pain from repeating or at least decrease the cases of pain in the future.


How to Sleep Better with the Help of Physical Therapy?

How to Sleep Better with the Help of Physical Therapy?
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There is a relationship between pain and sleep. Most of us have pain here and there and when we are in pain we have difficulties in activity during day and lot of times has trouble sleeping.

Certain kind of pain really disturbs patients while sleeping. Nerve pain is one of those pains. Patient who has chronic pain may experience sleep problems as well. Pain is one of the causes for in so suffering mania.

If you are suffering from pain and it is affecting your daily sleeping then the best option is to apply physical therapist that can help you to sleep better.

Physical therapist can evaluate your paining problem and create a treatment plan tailored to your goals and needs that will much beneficial for your recovery. Physical therapist can indentify cause for pain and try to help patients relieve pain.

Physical therapist may use hot packs, cold packs, electrical stimulation, ultrasound to relieve pain. Physical therapist may use hands on technique like joint mobilization, soft tissue manipulations, massage for better recovery. Physical therapist may teach some strengthening exercises and stretching exercise.

At discharge, a therapist may help you to design home exercise program which can help to alleviate your pain and to maintain healthy lifestyle and to restore normal sleep habits.

Physical Therapy Queens, NY is one of them which give you best physical therapy to your chronic pain. You will be feeling good after taking therapy here. Just visit expert therapist here they have all the pain problem solution with fast recovery.

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