All Posts tagged Physical Therapy

Physical Therapy Treatment : Best for Text Neck

Physical Therapy Great Neck, NY

What is “Text Neck”?

“Text neck” is neck pain occurring from hunching over while using cellphones. The growing dependence and cultural addiction to technology have multiplied the time spent with this poor posture. Many people with symptoms have a hard time believing this mundane activity can be the source to their problems. 

However, they don’t realize the effects have accumulated over the years of cellphone usage. Thus, “text neck” is very real and if left untreated, it can lead to headaches, neurological issues and definitely neck pain.

What Causes Text Neck?          

Constantly keeping your posture which is not optimal for human body can put unnecessary extra strain on your neck/upper body (cervical and thoracic) area. When you use your phone, tablet, computer for an extended amount of time with poor posture can lead to many problems such as herniated disks, pinched nerves, and tight knots (trigger points) in muscles. Also, stretching tissues for too long can cause soreness and inflammation.

How Physical Therapy can Help?

Physical Therapy Great Neck, NY can help decrease neck pain and improve mobility. During a patient’s initial evaluation, a physical therapist may measure the neck’s range of motion, and trigger point (tight knot), the strength of neck and upper body muscles. He/she may also look for an imbalance in your postural muscles, a leading factor for neck pain.

With this information, an individualized treatment plan will be created to alleviate pain and to meet the patient’s goals. Most people do see improvement after a few sessions and symptoms usually disappear after 3 to 4 weeks of consistent physical therapy and following exercises protocol and being aware of posture all the time.

Postural Correction: “Text Neck” causes people to make a hunched-over position. A physical therapist will teach and educate you to remind what proper posture to maintain. For example, sitting while retracting your shoulders will take some stress off the neck, thereby reducing the pain. The therapist may also recommend right ergonomics to use computer, phone and tablets.

Prevention Tips: The physical therapist will recommend a pain-free way to use your phone. One way is to keeping your head in a neutral position and simply looking down with your eyes. Another advice the therapist can give would be to use certain accessories to prop up your tablet so you can keep your head in a neutral position.

Exercises: The physical therapist will most likely prescribe exercises to reduce the stress and pressure from poor posture. These exercises can include shoulder retraction, cervical isometric, cervical extension, and scapular stabilization exercises for postural control. 

Modalities: If appropriate, the physical therapist may incorporate modalities like heat and electrical stimulation to provide temporary relief. 

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Get Faster Relief from Neck Pain with Physical Therapy


Physical Therapy: Important Sports Rehabilitation for Athletes

Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy bayside ny

For the intelligent player, there is simply no connection between general recovery after an injury and rehabilitation after a sports-related injury. For one, their aims are different. Sport-specific rehab covers beyond improvement. It focuses on the mechanics and capabilities of your sport to make you play again with equal or even greater performance than earlier. 

When your body is used to the difficulties of fast activities, necessary rehab just isn’t sufficient. You need an expert sports physical therapist to take you back into the best situation to respond to the sport you love.

Why Athletes Need Sport Specific Rehabilitation?

Sports injuries are especially common as more people try more normal lifestyles and encourage their children to participate in youth sports. Research finds 8.6 million Americans suffered a sports-related injury in one year. Some injuries can be treated at home while some require any hospitalization. You will likely require physical therapy if you are hospitalized for a sports injury.

Physical therapy treatment is necessary for a complete recovery after injuries related to sports. Usually injured body parts must be immobilized or relaxed while they heal. During the process of healing, those muscles and bones get out of work. As a process part of the rehabilitation, you need to utilize the injured area to build up muscle and recover normal function. Even Physical therapy instructs you how to do this carefully so you recover movement efficiently and avoid further injury. 

Sports physical therapy knowledge for athletes is very important. Whereas regular physical therapy helps patients recover the capacity to do regular living activities, sports physical therapy rebuilds your body’s ability to resist the severe stress of athletics. 

Advantages of Sport Specific Rehabilitation

Sport-specific recovery is the best way of action to rebuild and improve your original athletic abilities when you have experienced a debilitating sports injury. There are many other advantages to sports PT that will help in your rehabilitation, such as: 

–  Pain Control

–  Raised cellular metabolism to boost healing of damaged muscle

–  Improved flow in the injured area to supporting healing

–  Strengthening of relaxed tissues 

–  Restriction of powerful atrophy

–  Stimulation of common receptors

–  Recovery of a variety of plan and improved versatility in strong muscles

–  Improved dull drainage

–  Improved extensibility of connective and maintaining muscle formations

Eventually, sport-specific rehab is created to help you recover faster and more effectively while reducing pain and stopping further injury. Don’t just pay for extensive recovery. 

If you have a sports-related injury and think about responding to your sport, you need to go with expert sports physical therapists at Musculoskeletal Physical Therapy bayside NYAs a guide in sport-specific recovery, we receive individualized corrective regimens for our patients that help them improve and respond to their sport faster. Therapy services are created to help athletes over many sports and ability levels. 

The only way to recover to your sport in excellent fitness is to try sport-specific rehab with expert sports physical therapists who know your sport and what it needs to do your best.


Take Unlimited Advantages of Physical Therapy for Personal Fitness

Physical therapy assists people of all ages who have medical diseases, disabilities or injuries that restrict their normal capacity to move and to do work properly.

Physical Therapy Hillside, NY suggests different programs that can help people to return prior level of functioning and encourage activities and change the lifestyle that can help to stop additional injury and increase overall fitness and well being.

When the doctor suggests physical therapy, then obviously you have an injury or different problems that haven’t reacted properly to other treatments.

Sometimes it can be a difficult decision for many reasons to decide whether or not to go to physical therapy. For your any types of injury, it can help you amazingly, so there is no option for not going. Physical therapy treatment not only allows you to return your initial level of functioning, but it can accelerate the healing manner.

Wants to be feet and healthy life? Let’s know about the amazing advantages of Physical Therapy.

Reduce or Kill Every Pain

Corrective exercises and standard therapy methods such as common and simple tissue treatments such as ultrasound, taping or electrical stimulation can help to reduce pain and recover meat and joint function to reduce pain. Such therapies can also stop pain from stating.

Avoid Surgery

Surgery may not be needed if physical therapy helps to recover from an injury or reduce pain. And even if surgery is needed, you may help from pre-surgery physical therapy for better result. In many cases, you will recover faster if you are going into surgery more effective and in better shape. Additionally, health care costs are reduced by avoiding surgery.

Improve Flexibility

Are you having difficulty in standing, walking, moving or working any work? Then get the best recovering treatment. Here, no matter your age because physical therapy can help you. Strengthening and stretching exercises help to recover your capacity to move. Physical therapists can properly fit individuals with a stick, crutches or any other assistive equipment, or estimate for orthotic medicine.

Increase Your Balance and Stop Falls

When you start physical therapy, you will get screened for covering opportunity. If you are injured and at high risk for falls, therapists will provide the best exercises that safely examine your stability as a way to simulate real-life conditions.

When the stability problem is created by a problem in one’s vestibular method, Physical therapists can perform special exercises that can immediately recover proper vestibular functioning, and decrease eliminate signs of dizziness or vertigo.

Physical therapy will come in beneficial, as it can lightly exercise the arm, strengthening the muscles and dramatically increasing versatility, while decreasing pain. If you have any doubt or query about the physical therapy treatment and how it helps to recover your injury, please don’t hesitate to ask a qualified physical therapist or health care provider for more information.


How Physical Therapy New Hyde Park NY Can Help in Shoulder Pain?

In our body most flexible and movable joint is our shoulder, it consists of several bones, muscles, joints, and tendons. This means there are many different ways from which the shoulder can become injured and cause pain. There are different causes of shoulder pain and steps in which patients can eliminate or become discomfort to do that type of particular steps. Physical therapy is the only most useful way of healing several types of shoulder pain. Book an appointment or call New Age Physical Therapy New Hyde Park NY  to get treatment form experienced physical therapist which can help to heal shoulder pain.

Different symptoms which cause Shoulder Pain:

Sometimes small injuries on the back side of our shoulder can cause big shoulder pain. Other than the sometimes repetitive motion of shoulder injury can cause muscles, joints, tendons get chances to hurt that places repeatedly. Physical therapy provides several types of exercise that may reduce the pain in the patient shoulder. A physical therapist works and creates those type of program which fulfils the needs of the patient and their shoulder pain.

There are various types of shoulder pain heal option are there which reduces the pain from the patient body.

1) Torn Cartilage:

If any patient suffering from torn cartilage which can produce a number of painful symptoms. These type of injury include limited range of motion, decreased strength and clicking sensations when patient moving their arm. They may also experience the pain of torn cartilage when they moving their arm in certain positions. A physical therapist can provide this type of injury to heal with very accurate. If any patient is suffering from a torn cartilage.

2) Sprains and Strains

The initial stage of sprains and strains can cause ongoing shoulder pain that makes it difficult to perform daily activities for patients. A sprain is when a muscle system is stretched or torn. A strain involves a tendon or muscle that is stretched or torn. Sometimes the Initial stage of sprains and strains can be cured on its own of the patients. But sometimes those patients have severe shoulder pain they will need proper physical therapy and physical therapist both.

3) Frozen Shoulder

This is a worse painful condition for a patient that arises automatically and also at the initial stage it resolves by itself. But at that painful stage, a physical therapist can heal the frozen shoulder pain. In that time, frozen shoulder can produce ongoing pain and stiffness.

A physical therapist can provide various types of pain relief in shoulder pain. Physical Therapy New Hyde Park NY provides the best therapist who provides the best treatment in shoulder pain relief to their patients. A trained physical therapist can use different therapy to ease pain and increase mobility. Physical therapy provides the exercise of kneading and massaging specific joints, tendons, and muscles in the shoulder area.

Sometimes, a physical therapist can teach patient various types of exercises that they can be able to do at home and also get instant heal from that particular exercise which they provide to do.  Some therapist does different techniques for shoulder pain like aqua therapy, ultrasound or electrical nerve stimulation.

Whatever type of pain you’re suffering from, a trained physical therapist can create a program to treat your particular condition. Directly Contact New Age Physical Therapy New Hyde Park NY office today to schedule a consultation with physical therapists.


Stretching Before & After Exercise

Stretching Before & After Exercise
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Stretching before exercise increases flexibility and elasticity, thus, decreases the chance of injury. People should focus on stretching the muscles that will be activated during the workout. So if it is leg day, the hamstrings, quadriceps, glutes, and calves all need to be stretched. This prevents these muscle groups from tightening up during an exercise.

Not only is it essential beforehand, it is just as important if not more to stretch post-session. In fact, if a muscle group has been continually contracted throughout a workout, stretching can help muscles return to their normal length. In addition, it can decrease recovery time and alleviate soreness.

It’s important to stay committed, as studies show that flexibility from regular stretching can disappear after 4 weeks of inactivity.

The benefits of stretching include:

• Muscles release tension.

  • Range of motion increases.
    • Help muscles resist stress, thereby, prevent muscle and joint strains.
    • Prepare the body and heart rate for strenuous exercise.
    • Improved blood flow.
    • Reduce the severity of painful menstruation (Dysmenorrhea).
  • Body releases endorphins, making people more energetic and relaxed.

However, DO NOT stretch if:

  • There is a bone fracture, acute sprain or strain.
    • Range of motion is limited due to other pathology
    • The joint is inflamed or infected.
    • There is pain doing stretches.

Stretching determines how far a joint can bend, twist, or reach. When it is done incorrectly, it can be ineffective or dangerous as it can cause tears, instability, and damage to tendons/ligaments.  It is controversial still which kind of stretching is beneficial before or after exercises.

If you are stretching before exercises definitely you need to some kind of warm up exercises before you stretch.  Thus, it is important to consult a physical therapist to see which stretching exercises can be incorporated when dealing with an injury or condition.


Importance of Body Weight Exercises

Importance of Body Weight Exercises
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No time for the gym but still want to be healthy and stay in shape? Well, bodyweight exercises can benefit you! Even without additional weight, these exercises can build strength, muscle, and fitness while helping people lose weight. The goal is to use your own body weight as resistance, by pushing, pulling, or lifting it. And if you don’t have time, don’t worry! These exercises can be done whenever and wherever.

Your physical therapist will most likely include body weight exercises into your treatment program. He/she will cater the regimen to the specific condition at hand. Such exercises include strength training to build muscle and cardio to keep the heart strong.

Based on the patient’s starting point and age, the therapist will determine the pace of each session with the quantity of exercises and how many repetitions to perform. With body weight exercises, patients can complete their full range of motion without restraint, allowing joints to move freely and decreasing the risk of injury. You’ll be able do these exercises at home with little to no cost, as equipment is not needed.

Bodyweight exercises are considered “closed chain” which is the scientific term for saying moving the body through space instead of an outside object. Closed chain exercises have been proven to increase lower body strength by 31%, whereas, open chain exercises only increases it by 13%. The reason is because moving the body through space increase the amount of muscle fibers used. Thereby, yielding more results.

If you’ve been sitting at your desk all day, it’s probably best to not go and sit down on a machine at the gym once again. Body weight physical therapy helps patients reestablish good movements. It allows movement in multiple ways that can activate muscles in the back, knees, and shoulders, thereby, keeping them healthy. This may be a better alternative to machines that can be limiting.

Examples of bodyweight exercises include planks, push-ups, squats, sit-ups, marching, and lunges. Since physical therapists are professionals in body movement, it’s best to consult one to see which exercises are appropriate for you when dealing with an injury.


How Physical Therapy Works for Arthritis Pain?

How Physical Therapy Works for Arthritis Pain?
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Are you experiencing inflammation, pain, and/or stiffness in your joints? If so, a possible cause may be arthritis. It may be accompanied by a limited range of motion as joints are too inflamed to move. Arthritis is quite common, in fact, there are more types of arthritis then you know. It can affect men, women, and even children.

The most common are osteoarthritis which onsets from wear and tear of cartilage and rheumatoid arthritis that occurs from an overactive immune system. It’s important to treat the specific condition as it can interfere with work or everyday activities. Physical therapy has been proven to be highly effective in treating the effects of arthritis.

A physical therapist will create an individualized treatment plan based on your diagnoses and pain level. The goal should be to improve mobility by restoring the use of affected joints and to increase strength for joint support. Your physical therapist may also focus on increasing flexibity, coordination, and balance if appropriate.

He/she will provide knowledge on exercises to do at home and what activities to avoid. Depending on their condition, patients may be advised to use assistive devices such as a cane or walker to relieve pressure. The physical therapists will work consistently with patients to maintain progress and safe return to daily activities.

It’s important for patients to adhere to their exercise regimen as regular physical activity can keep surrounding muscles strong, decrease bone loss, reduce stiffness, and control swelling and pain. Exercising can also enhance energy and stamina, thereby, decrease fatigue and improve sleep. Patients with arthritis who are overweight can forsee additional benefits as exercising can promote long-term weight management.

Besides exercises, your treatment program may consist of manual therapy. Evidence shows that joint and soft tissue mobilization can help patients relieve pain and stiffness. Specific modalities may be used during treatments such as a hot/cold pack and electrical stimulation to relieve pain.

These techniques can increase blood flow, reduce inflammation, reduce pain, and enhance mobility. Thus, it’s important to consult your doctor to see if physical therapy is appropriate for you as it can be a safer alternative to surgery and pain medications.


Post Surgical Physical Therapy

Post Surgical Physical Therapy
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Many people believe that surgery alone can lead to full recovery. However, without proper care and rehabilitation, any work/progress completed during surgery may be undone. Post-surgical rehabilitation concentrates mainly on increasing strength and mobility. The physical therapist will provide appropriate modalities, manual therapy, and exercises to improve patient’s endurance, strength, and flexibility.

They will work with the patient to create an individualized treatment program that will cater to the patient’s surgicial procedure, pain level, and goals,  allowing them to bounce back successfully. Physical therapy for post surgery should focus on progessing patients to a pain free state without limitations and risks of future injuries.

Surgerical procedures that often recommend follow up physical therapy somer common surgeris include :

  • Rotator Cuff Tear
  • Hip, Shoulder, and Knee Joint Replacements
  • Ligament Tears of the Knee (ACL, LCL, MCL and PCL)
  • Tendon Rutprue Repair
  • Arthroscopy and Meniscus Repair
  • Spinal Surgery
  • Fractures
  • Additional Operations Resulting in Weakness or Stiffness

Physical therapy can reduce pain/discomfort from surgery with techniques such as electrical stimulation, ice, hot pack, massage and manual therapy. Once the pain subsides, the treatment program will focus more on the challenges of each surgical procedure.

For instance, if a patient received a knee replacement, the therapist will prescribe strengthening and range of motion exercises to promote recovery. Patients can also experience weakness from being sedentary after surgery, but physical therapy can help increase muscle mass to its previous levels.

Without physical therapy, there are possibilities of re-injury or prolonged recovery, post surgical complication like stiffness, contractures, weakness.  It is necessary for the patient to be aware of what activities to avoid and how to safely perform daily activities to prevent future setbacks.

Physical therapy will also help patients return to regular activities quicker as it enhances healing in damage tissues. Thus, physical therapy is essential in achieving a safe and fast post-surgery recovery.


What is Good Posture? Know Reason behind Unnatural Positions

If you want an example of good posture, just look at a young child – their back shows a graceful ‘S’ curve and their movements are easy and effortless. We are sure all of us remember being scolded by our mother to sit straight and don’t slouch.

Most of us ignored those comments but definitely regret it now. Correct posture is important to keep our back and spine healthy. It’s not just about being confident. Being in good posture you are properly aligned anatomically and putting less strain or stress on supporting muscles and ligaments.

Postural Dysfunction

As we get older inactivity, slouching causes muscle fatigue and tension that ultimately leads to poor posture. Our body is designed for movement. In modern era we do lot of work sitting and in flexed position. From morning we get up most of the activity we do is in sitting. For example sitting for breakfast, driving to work or using public transportation to work, sitting at work, eating dinner, watching TV and sleeping.

Constantly being in flexed position we strain certain muscles and shorten certain muscles. This creates imbalance in muscles and that can lead to pain. We compressed some joint more than usual which may lead to joint pain.

Over the period of time you get adaptive muscle shortening which can cause postural dysfunction and injuries. Body will adopt new posture and new pattern of movement which can cause improper strain on muscles and joint which in turn lead to pain.

These are possible symptoms from postural dysfunction.

  • Headaches
  • Muscle pain and the feeling that there are knots in the muscle.
  • Sore, stiff achy joints.
  • Feelings of weakness or instability.
  • A burning type sensation in the muscles.
  • Pain in neck, mid back, lower back area
  • Difficulty straightening up after sitting.

What can cause this?

Overuse is one of the most common causes for an example sitting in one position for longer period, sitting in front of computers, constantly looking down into your phones, working out one group of muscle more than other, using heavy back packs all the time.

Improper sitting and standing habits which can lead to postural problems. Other medical problems like muscle imbalance, weakness, joint stiffness can also lead to poor posture.

If you think that you might have problems with your posture or want some advice on why it has happened and how to fix it, you can call us and schedule consultation with our experienced physical therapist.

At New Age Physical Therapy our physical therapist will evaluate you and your lifestyle and will plan your treatment to bring you back to prior pain free functional level.

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Stay Yourself Healthy through Post-Surgical Rehabilitation

We all have heard the saying “prevention is the key to good health,” well that saying is valid when it comes surgeries. Most of us tend to shrug off the mild symptoms thinking I will take some medication and it will go away. It may go away with pills or reduce symptoms but why not look for long term fix instead of short term.

New Age Physical Therapy can help find these fixes. They can teach you techniques and ways to prevent injuries and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Post-Surgical Rehabilitation

But no matter how much we try to prevent these things sometimes it just does not work in our favor. If surgery is necessary and you want to get ahead of the game then talk to your doctor and see if you can get it done. Most patients after surgery require physical therapy to get back to normal activities.


In several orthopedic cases, having quality physical therapy from experienced compassionate professionals can certainly help quicken the recovery process.

These are some examples of surgeries after which patient needs Physical Therapy:

  • Total Joint replacements
  • Spinal Surgeries (Laminectomy, discectomy, Spinal Fusion)
  • Ligament Tears( Shoulder Dislocation/Separation; Elbow-Tommy John; Knee-ACL, PCL, MCL, and LCL)
  • Rotator Cuff Repair
  • Temopomandibular Debridement
  • Arthroscopy Surgeries (Shoulder- Sub acromial Decompression or Laberal Repair; Knee-Meniscus Repair; Ankle Debridement)
  • Bunionectomy, ankle foot reconstruction surgeries


As your surgery approaches, for most people getting through the surgery is the only thing that is constantly crossing your mind. But like everything else in life, surgery comes with a little bit of extra work.

Your surgeon can have the most skillful techniques, they might even be miracle workers but without proper post-surgical rehabilitation, their work can become meaningless.

At New Age Physical Therapy, the Physical Therapist strives to fulfill your needs as well as your wants for a full recovery. Knowing that they are working with specific limitations, they focus on improving joint stiffness, range of motion, muscle weakness as well as reducing pain and swelling to meet your goals.

Every member of our staff will work their best to get to know you as an individual as well as your needs and wants. They are all here to listen to your questions and answer them to best of their knowledge.

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