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Plyometric Exercises : Boost Strength and Speed Level of Your Body

Plyometric Exercises : Boost Strength and Speed Level of Your Body
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Plyometric exercises are great form of exercise to increase speed and power. These are different kind of exercises then you do regular strengthening exercises. This Plyometrics exercises can improve your reactive energies by consuming the Strength-Shortening Cycle (Generally It’s known as SSC) in order to generate maximal output of power.

It is the only exercises which were firstly developed by Soviets during the timing of cold war occurred in 1947 time. Do you know why they did it in cold war because they want to increase their strength and speed? These are the main reason that they had developed this plyometric exercises. This kind of exercises was used to well train their athletes. Due to plyometric exercises generated speed and strength and its good combination they lead to powerful athletes.

We can divide this plyometrics exercise into three phases, which are as follows.

1. Rapid Muscle:
The first and foremost phase is known as a rapid muscle. This rapid muscle lengthening movement also called the eccentric phase.

2. Amortization Phase:
The second one comes a short resting period called the amortization phase. This phase is most important phase for this exercise.

3. Concentric Phase:
Finally the third and most important phase is the athlete engages in an explosive muscle shortening technique that is well known as concentric phase.

Doing warm up is most important factor and prior for plyometrics exercises. Do you know how to do warm up? Let’s do it with this short information. Warm up can be done in form of light cardio, dynamic or static stretching. After doing this warm process athlete feels much relaxed and should cool down after each session.

Some important factors should consider by all athlete who wants to do this. From them first and important is all athletes should go under orthopaedic screening before these exercises to make sure it’s suitable for them or not. Every athlete who wants to go for it might have to go thru klatt test before going thru plyometrics.

Before starting this exercises keep in mind that every athletes should were comfortable clothing and good sneakers. It is the fact that plyometrics should not be done on concrete or very hard surfaces.

Let’s know about some important examples of plyometrics exercises here;

  1. Box Jumps
  2. Tuck Jumps
  3. Lateral Jumps
  4. Split Jump
  5. Power Skipping
  6. Bounding
  7. Plyometric Push Up

There are many athlete wants to do plyometric exercises and many of doing also. Plyometric exercises have been used by many of athletes successfully as a primary method of training to enhance the power and speed. New Age Physical Therapy Center Flushing, NY is place to get perfect plyometric exercise that can boost your energy and speed level. In order to realise and to result of the potential benefits of plyometrics training the process of stretch shortening might be invocated. Also it needs perfect and careful attention to the technique used during the drill or exercise.
