All Posts tagged shoulder pain physical therapy

Physical Therapy for Frozen Shoulder

Physical Therapy for Frozen Shoulder
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Frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) is characterized by joint stiffness and pain in the shoulder. It is accompanied by pain that gets worse around the evening time and becomes harder to lift and/or rotate the shoulder. 

There are normally no critical discoveries in the patient’s set of experiences, clinical assessment or radiographic assessment to make sense of the deficiency of movement or torment.

There are 2 categories of frozen shoulder which are divided into primary and secondary capsulitis. Primary frozen shoulder is frequently connected with diabetes, and with a patient that has no known indication of diabetes, he or she may be tested for it as well. Other than diabetes, they can also be from thyroid or Parkinson’s disease. 

Secondary adhesive capsulitis can happen after shoulder wounds or immobilization. Usually, after an injury, the patient is advised not to move the shoulder for a length of time, which may or may not trigger a frozen shoulder and delay recovery time.

There are 3 stages to the frozen shoulder which are comprised of freezing, frozen, and defrosting stages. The 1st st stage can last anywhere between two to nine months in which the pain will be at its peak. 

At the frozen stage (which can keep going for a year) is where the pain will start to decrease with a loss of the shoulder’s range of motion, particularly the forward movement as well as the rotational movement. The defrosting stage is where the patient will encounter a progressive return of movement which can take five to twenty-six months.

Doctors will often recommend NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) for the pain and stiffness. However, if the pain gets intolerable, the doctor may use a steroid injection to reduce inflammation which in turn will help with the pain. One thing to note is that studies have shown using steroids along with physical therapy had a greater impact on recovery than the injection alone. 

It is best to get a jump-start on physical therapy as soon as possible to shorten the length of time you have to go through with having frozen shoulder. Your treatment and exercises will vary depending on the stage that you are in. The physical therapist will also advise you to perform specific exercises at home that will boost your recovery. 

If you or someone you know is suffering from shoulder pain, it is strongly advised to check with the doctor early on and to see a physical therapist at Physical Therapy Great Neck, NY. Remember that this is a long process. Give yourself patience and grace as there will be ups and downs. 

Also Read: What Should You Know About Shoulder Injury Rehabilitation?


How Physical Therapy New Hyde Park NY Can Help in Shoulder Pain?

In our body most flexible and movable joint is our shoulder, it consists of several bones, muscles, joints, and tendons. This means there are many different ways from which the shoulder can become injured and cause pain. There are different causes of shoulder pain and steps in which patients can eliminate or become discomfort to do that type of particular steps. Physical therapy is the only most useful way of healing several types of shoulder pain. Book an appointment or call New Age Physical Therapy New Hyde Park NY  to get treatment form experienced physical therapist which can help to heal shoulder pain.

Different symptoms which cause Shoulder Pain:

Sometimes small injuries on the back side of our shoulder can cause big shoulder pain. Other than the sometimes repetitive motion of shoulder injury can cause muscles, joints, tendons get chances to hurt that places repeatedly. Physical therapy provides several types of exercise that may reduce the pain in the patient shoulder. A physical therapist works and creates those type of program which fulfils the needs of the patient and their shoulder pain.

There are various types of shoulder pain heal option are there which reduces the pain from the patient body.

1) Torn Cartilage:

If any patient suffering from torn cartilage which can produce a number of painful symptoms. These type of injury include limited range of motion, decreased strength and clicking sensations when patient moving their arm. They may also experience the pain of torn cartilage when they moving their arm in certain positions. A physical therapist can provide this type of injury to heal with very accurate. If any patient is suffering from a torn cartilage.

2) Sprains and Strains

The initial stage of sprains and strains can cause ongoing shoulder pain that makes it difficult to perform daily activities for patients. A sprain is when a muscle system is stretched or torn. A strain involves a tendon or muscle that is stretched or torn. Sometimes the Initial stage of sprains and strains can be cured on its own of the patients. But sometimes those patients have severe shoulder pain they will need proper physical therapy and physical therapist both.

3) Frozen Shoulder

This is a worse painful condition for a patient that arises automatically and also at the initial stage it resolves by itself. But at that painful stage, a physical therapist can heal the frozen shoulder pain. In that time, frozen shoulder can produce ongoing pain and stiffness.

A physical therapist can provide various types of pain relief in shoulder pain. Physical Therapy New Hyde Park NY provides the best therapist who provides the best treatment in shoulder pain relief to their patients. A trained physical therapist can use different therapy to ease pain and increase mobility. Physical therapy provides the exercise of kneading and massaging specific joints, tendons, and muscles in the shoulder area.

Sometimes, a physical therapist can teach patient various types of exercises that they can be able to do at home and also get instant heal from that particular exercise which they provide to do.  Some therapist does different techniques for shoulder pain like aqua therapy, ultrasound or electrical nerve stimulation.

Whatever type of pain you’re suffering from, a trained physical therapist can create a program to treat your particular condition. Directly Contact New Age Physical Therapy New Hyde Park NY office today to schedule a consultation with physical therapists.


Shoulder Pain common types: How Physical Therapy help to reduce?

Shoulder Pain common types: How Physical Therapy help to reduce?
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The shoulder is one of the most common body part in which injuries take place. There are multiple underlying conditions that can cause pain and limitations on movement. Shoulder problems can be obtained in many ways such as a fall, strain from reaching an object, or injury from sports.

However, most conditions emerge over time from overuse or simply aging. If left untreated, minor irritations and symptoms can exacerbate and become greater, more limiting problems that are harder to treat.

Common types of shoulder pain include:

  • Tendonitis/Tendinopathy: This condition results in the inflammation of a tendon causing motions such as reaching up or across the body to become painful. If left untreated, it can progress into a “frozen shoulder,” where the person loses some or all of his/her normal range of motion.
  • Bursitis: Bursitis occurs when the fluid filled sac (bursa) that cushions the tendons and joints, become irritated or inflammed. It may lead to symptoms such as pain and stiffness.
  • Impingement: Another condition that can lead to inflammation and pain is impingement of the tendons and bursa by surrounding bones. These symptoms can limit everyday activities such as reaching overhead, lifting, or carrying objects.
  • Rotator Cuff Injury: This occurs when the muscles that aide in movement weaken or tear causing weakness, pain, and limited range of motion.
  • Arthritis: Arthritis can also cause stiffness and pain during motion. This condition causes the tissue or cartilage that protects the joints to wear down.
  • Postural Dysfunction: Using computers or sitting for extended periods can lead to muscle imbalances in the shoulder which can progress to pain and injury.

Physical Therapy for Shoulder Pain

Although some injuries may require surgery to fix the “damages”, physical therapy alone can be used as treatment. In fact, shoulder pain physical therapy is effective in treating most shoulder conditions and injuries.

During the initial evaluation, the physical therapist will conduct a series of tests and assessments to determine the appropriate diagnosis and treatment plan. They may measure the patient’s strength, range of motion, evaluate his/her posture, and/or perform screening tools to pinpoint the exact area of injury.

The best treatment plans are individualized to each patient based on their needs and pain level. They may include exercises to increase strength, mobility, and flexibility, which are important factors in preventing the development of chronic shoulder issues.

The physical therapist may also use passive treatments such as a cold or hot pack, electrical stimulation, and/or ultrasound to alleviate pain and increase blood flow to the area. They may also conduct manual therapy such as mobilization or massage if deemed appropriate.

Since many shoulder conditions have the ability to become more severe, it’s important to seek help right away. Physical therapy may lasts between several weeks to several months depending on the condition and whether the patient underwent surgery. It’s important to adhere to the treatment plan and remain committed to obtain optimal results and faster return to normal routine.
