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Understanding Back Pain

Understanding  Back  Pain
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People who suffer from lower back pain are encouraged to help themselves with exercises and being active and getting skilled physical therapy.  Lot of times patients are not explained in detail what is causing their pain and how to manage them so they can get better faster.

As back pain is very common and most of us experience in our lifetime.  Best way to avoid surgery or get better faster is to perform skilled exercises with help of physical therapist who can tailor exercises depends on type of back pain patient has.

Understanding back pain

There are several structures in the back that can cause and/or contribute to low back pain.

  • Intervertebral Discs

Although the intervertebral disc is a remarkably versatile and strong structure, essentially acting as a shock absorber during everyday activities, sometimes the disc fails when there is a sudden, unexpected force (such as a fall, lifting, or other trauma), or due to ordinary wear and tear over time. And when the disc does get injured it repair itself with fibrous tissue which can also cause pain and patient could hae recurrent back pain.

Activity is also needed to maintain the exchange of fluids in spinal structures and reduce swelling that naturally occurs in the tissues surrounding an injured disc. This swelling can further irritate nerves that are already affected by herniated disc material.  It can be achieved by particular exercises and physical therapy modalities.

These patients are normally complain of radiating, numbness, heaviness kind of pain and also complains of weakness in some leg muscles at times.

  • Spinal Muscles, Ligaments, and Tendons

The collective soft tissues around the spine – the muscles, ligaments and tendons – are also very important in maintaining proper spinal balance and strength. With decreased activity, the connective fibers of ligaments and tendons can begin to adhere to each other and lose resilience and may tear when sudden overload occurs. Unlike discs or connective tissue, however, when soft tissues are injured, they can quickly repair themselves.

Since muscles are in constant communication with the central nervous system, anger or anxiety can tense the muscles and cause muscle spasms. Ongoing tension inhibits normal muscle function and leads to muscle wasting and further stability problems, which in turn can lead to chronic lower back pain.

In this cases normally patient is complain of localized pain.

  • Spinal Nerves

When nerves are cut, pinched, or otherwise irritated, the muscles that the nerves control cannot work or reduce function of muscles. For example, when a herniated or bulging disc presses on the L4-L5 nerve root, it may inhibit the nerve’s ability to make the muscles it controls in the ankle and foot work properly, causing what is known as foot drop – the ability to raise the foot or stand on one’s tiptoes.

Most of these patients are complain of radiation, numbness, burning pain along with weakness in muscles or unable to move muscle.

Above mentioned are few reasons person can have lower back pain or leg pain with or without back pain.  In any case, Patient should consult orthopedic or neurologist if pain is really worst. In other circumstances patient can have consult with physical therapist and see if they can help them.

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